
  • But He Never Hit Her

    He told her she was worthless. He kicked her out. He abused her verbally. He cheated on her. He used her. But he never hit her. AU one-shot. SwanQueen is endgame.

  • The Girl in The Mask

    This woman was far different from all the others. She was wearing a tight, strapless, red dress that was covering very little. She was actually showing far more skin than she was covering. Her mask was of great structure, golden and covering half of her face. My breath caught as her eyes met mine. "I am not attracted to you." Famous last words. WARNING: Jasey (ew) Endgame: Rizzles.

  • Addicted

    There it goes again. That heavy feeling in your chest when you don't feel any desire to speak or move. All you want to do is close your eyes, because being broken is exhausting. You attempt to make your days fulfilling although you can't connect with anyone or anything. That is, until she came along. -AU-

  • Fireworks

    One-shot. Emma, Regina, and Henry celebrate the Fourth of July by going to the newly celebrated firework show in Storybrooke, thanks to Emma arriving and breaking the curse. Emma and Regina seem to get along well, and even play a game of football with Henry and his friend Grace. Regina and Emma soon realize that the fireworks aren't a the only things with sparks flying.

  • Bets

    When Robin confronts Regina a few days after she breaks up with him and things heat up, Emma comes to help her and ends up getting herself hurt. Regina takes it upon herself to clean Emma up. one-shot.

  • We Might Fall

    "So I tried my best to ruin you, as you had ruined me. I tried to take Henry away, I tried to kill you... I did everything in my power to stop you from becoming a part of my life, a part of Henry's life. But no matter how much I denied it, I knew that I wanted you here." -one shot-

  • Haunted

    "Who are you?" She asks. Although she's hidden by the shadows, you know she's studying your features. "No one important," you reply, because it's true. "Just someone who admires true beauty." She looks up at you again, and the hollowness of her eyes is heartbreaking. This girl is more broken than yourself, possibly.

  • Rizzles Playlist

    A whole bunch of one-shot song fics having to do with Jane and Maura! Some will be Rizzles, some will be leading up to Rizzles. How to suggest a song: Tumblr (brittanygaylee) or leave a review. Got the idea from KathyBoPeep. Ratings all over the place. This fic is also dedicated to KathyBoPeep and her amazing writing skills ;)

  • Truth or Dare

    Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Ruby, Belle, and Regina are all paying Truth or Dare at Mary Margaret's and David's apartment, and have all had a little too much to drink. When Emma is dared to kiss the "sexiest" person in the room, she's at odds as to what to do. One-Shot. Swanqueen, Red Beauty, Snowing.

  • Can't Help Falling in Love

    Maura Isles has everything she's ever wanted. A loving husband who supports her and her tendency to work long hours. Two kids who love her unconditionally. A job that she loves, and is good at. She can't imagine having anything more. That is, until a new nurse, Jane Rizzoli starts working for her. Then she starts to second guess everything...including where her loyalty lies.

  • Predomination

    "I loved her not for the way that she danced with my angels... But for the way the sound of her voice could silence my demons." -Christopher Pointdexter (Story summary inside).