

  • Five Stages (Wash, Rinse, Rage-peat)

    Tankor is a pile of anger issues, some of them very well placed. How he expresses that... well. It doesn't really help. (Rhinox is simply doing the best he can with a helpless situation). Acceptance, however, is a long ways off. Prompts: beast wars/beast machines, rhinox/tankor, anger, 3000 words

  • A Short Course on Wheel Alignment

    Rattrap's had to deal with some changes lately. Changes in what counts as status quo, changes in expectations, changes in how he's built, changes in how he has to operate now - physically and as part of the team. (Some changes, he minds more than others.) Prompts: beast machines, disability, rattrap, 1500 words, must include cheetor and nightscream

  • Chains Adventurous - Dimensions In Time

    Spacemen, time travel, extra-dimensional entities, and personality clashes don't exactly make for a relaxing vacation, but beggars and Jumpers (and Time Lords) can't be choosers. Warnings for violence, language, and the occasional unpopular opinion. Not Ten/Rose. Extreme Rassilon disapproval. Jumpchain. Currently editing old chapters to patch plot holes.

  • Going Geuse?

    Where, exactly, does the ghost-half of a halfa come from? Instead of being half-dead, Danny's found himself in a permanent state of half-possession from a certain ghost with a penchant for trouble and munching on bugs...

  • Under A Raven's Wings

    The year is 1987 and a six-year old Harry Potter has been... encouraged... to accompany a mysterious man whose face and history are a complete mystery to both the muggle and magical worlds. Who exactly is Healer Raven and why is he doing all of this for Harry? Read and Review, please, constructive criticism and comments are welcome.