
  • Complete: Outtakes

    OUTTAKES. Story Summary: Set in New Moon, in Twilight and approximately in Season 2 of TVD. Bella/Damon Crossover. RATED M, but it's first time writing lemon. FUTURE LEMONS. One day, after a few months have passed since the Cullens left, Charlie brings som new to Bella. Will Bella accept? What will happen from there? Can she handle a cocky, smartass blue eyed vampire?

  • It Changed Their Lives

    Bella enjoys her life with her son Ethan, a little boy. She has been through many bad things that will always hunt her. Where's Ethan's father? What happened? Edward, also a single parent of a little girl, Katie, lost his wife and is trying to be next to his daughter that needs to be supported. How did Bella and Edward meet? Summary sucks, but I'll improve it. Please Review! :)

  • Hotel Friend Or More?

    One Shot, Bella/Edward, T rated. Bella has gone on a 2 days trip in Seattle with her school, but things didn't go as expected. While staying there, on the second day, she meets someone. Guess who?