
  • Don't Question It

    Immediately he knew that he must be dead. (takes someplace in season 8-9. Debriel, Dean/Gabriel)

  • Dancing On My Own

    (Post First Class) "I've always hated it." Charles said. "Hated what?" asked Erik. "Dancing on my own." Erik held out his hand expectantly to the professor. "If that's the case, then care for a partner?"

  • A Tale of Romance, Tragedy and Dragons

    "We're going to barrel into tragedy, break each other's hearts and we're going to be the stupid fools that we are and just keep going even when the world tells us not to." A retelling of the romance between Hawke and Anders. Because love isn't always at first sight and neither is it something to be possessed by one person. (m!hawke/Anders, yaoi)

  • Good Grief and Bad Grief

    (ME1) As a side effect of the Prothean Beacon a wall in Shepard's mind is torn down, releasing a flood of bad memories and experiences that he's tried hard to forget. The crew has to suffer his episodes and Kaidan finally has enough of his Commander breaking down so he confronts him. (full summary inside. Loose mShenko) One Shot

  • Kiss Me Kill Me Handers Collection

    A kiss, a touch, a laugh, a tear, a lie, a love. A collection of oneshots and drabbles between Hawke and Anders from heartbreaking confrontations to the moments that make you laugh. (Requests accepted. In Progress work, ratings and genres vary.)

  • If I Had an Eternity With You Time Would Mean Nothing

    The Void was the only place he felt at peace. (Corvo/Outsider)

  • One Step at a Time

    Flailing your arms like a fool with nothing left to lose may work well in a club with fast paced music but in the quiet privacy of Shepard's cabin, Kaidan finds that there is a type of dancing that his two left footed Commander is good at. Shepard and Kaidan slow dance. (mShenko, fluff)

  • No Tomorrow

    Dean Winchester is a ladies man. Or at least that's what he used to think. After 'the confession' (and not the religious kind) he finds himself thinking about Gabriel…a lot. He tries to think out his feelings but that becomes hard to do with a pesky archangel who has the hots for him always popping up out of nowhere and confusing his sexuality further.

  • No Smoking Zone

    I can't figure this guy out. I'm not sure I want to. The mystery is a fog around him like the cigarette smoke. It enshrouds him and it burns my chest when I breathe it in, breathe him in. Everything about him is an essence of smoke. That voice. Those eyes. It burns to be around him but in a good way. Eating my insides and filling me up. (GuyXGuy, no like no read. OMCXJunichi)

  • Tying the Knot

    Tony and Loki are going to a wedding. More specifically Pepper's and Natasha's. Thor can't come but Loki is okay with that. Steve is getting groped by innocent old ladies and Bruce and Clint are sooo together. (A collection of scenes between Tony and Loki mostly. Ironfrost/Frostiron. Pure and utter fluff, not sorry.)

  • Like is Such a Loose Term

    "Hawke, just admit you like me." He shrugged, gesturing uncertainly with both his hands, "Ehh, like is such a loose term. Of course I like you." Anders gave him a look. "Don't make me shoot you with a fireball." "See, now that's what makes me not like you." (Oneshot, m!Hawke/Anders)

  • Calm

    The Blade brings Dean calm. This isn't a good thing. (Warning: Death and gore. This story is basically pure angst, not for the feint of heart.)

  • The Dying Embers

    Roen Hawke was certain that he was cursed. Everyone that he loves dies. Every fortunate thing to happen to him seems to be overshadowed by the misfortune that follows. Anders is the only thing he has to live for but is he enough? (Anders and Hawke's conversation after Leandra's death w/personal twist)