
  • The Perfect Match- An Azulaang Poem

    Just a poem about the best crack ship in A:TLA! Azulaang! The first three stanza's are in Azula's POV. the other three in Aang's.

  • Spirit Animals Shipping Drabbles

    Title says it all. Written because every fandom needs a little shipping X). Request Now Open! See new chapters for details.

  • Our Kinderd Spirits

    Kindred spirits are those who make a connection through an experience. But what happens when they are torn apart for just a little two long? One things for sure, someone's going to be moved in some way.

  • The Devourer(PoTP And SA Crossover One-Shots)

    A Phantom Of The Opera and Spirit Animals crossover. If you haven't seen PoTO, don't worry. More SA the anything else! And everything else is explained. Just one-shots of songs from Phantom crossed over with Drina, Dawson and Shane mainly. OLDER and SAME AGED Drawson! Bad summery, my apologies. Just read...

  • Drawson Dump

    The space for all my Drina X Dawson dump writing from DA. Please read and give the ship a try! And please tell me if I converted you! (Rated t for safety...)

  • Aidana and Meilins Story

    Prologue to Our Kindred Spirits(explained inside). When Meilin is brought to the prison she will stay in, she meets Aidana. And they become unlikely close friends.

  • The Traitor

    Abeke hates being mole for the enemies, but has not choice. What happens when her close friends find out about her secret? Major Reilin and Coneke, vary minor Shane and Talhia.

  • A SHot In The Dark

    Meilin test The Nectar to see if it will work as an antidote to The Bile. Will it?

  • Tokka Week Eight!

    Come and join a full week full on Tokka love! Prompts are: TLC, Naptime, Know When To Hold'em, You're A Genius, Be The Boomerang, Stranded, and Field Trip!

  • The Bonding Series

    A little project I started while board. I'm gonna write a drabble fro all the Four Fallen, Briggan, Uraza , Jhi and Essix and their bonded partners, Conor, Abeke, Rollan and Meilin. Sweet friendship fluff. Please read and review!

  • Wake-Up Call- Darbble

    Just a small introduction to my new Spirit Animals OC Akiki, and her spirit animal Kanali. Just a fluffy morning drabble. No canon characters, sorry, next time! And congrats fandom! First story ever! Read and review!