Yue Asuka

  • Impression

    Everyone has their own first impression when they meet a new person. The Warriors are no exception, especially since this new person used to be their most feared enemy. So when Kouichi joined the gang, what would they think about him? Chapter 2 : Izumi.

  • All about K

    The long lost bond has been reformed but new problem that might shatter the bond arise. Ice heart needs to be melted and the old memories forced to resurfaced. Could the twins bond repair the shattered family and crumbled the wall between their parents that had been made for ten years? Or would it shatter beyond repair instead?

  • Mama no Tame ni

    If his mother was endured the pain and smiling for him so he won't get worried, he could do that also. For his mother's sake. [Pre-Frontier]

  • Keputusan

    Pada akhirnya, Xion dihadapkan pada dua pilihan : Temannya, atau hidupnya dan pada akhirnya, yang ia pilih adalah...

  • Forgetful?

    "But Taichi," Agumon began as run his clawed hand to his head "I thought you were looking for your telescope?"