
  • Faith in the carzy plans

    Sometimes life gives you lemans other time the world is die around you so a plan that has 90% of killing everyone.

  • Dis-place: Shego

    A rear good evil plan doc D ends in Shego as a kid that grows up with Ron. And she is trapped in his Ron-shine lucky for her, she is not alone. Oh and there may be a little time damage

  • A boy now a Man and people want a piece of him

    It a spin off too my other ok ko story Ko hot and his pals ( mostly the female ones) want to keep him safe or you know bone him. This frist ch is just a little fun before the real start.

  • Marco is gone

    15 years with no Marco. yet Marco 's mark is not gone yet . starting at T but could be M if my mind change.

  • Bad boy for a night

    I'm in a rut did this for sh1th and giggles Thanks to someone asked I keeping it going.

  • Ghost of the Future

    In time some line are so dark. They have to be stop from even being possible. Lucky for Danny his kid are come to stop one future.Danny x baby mamas

  • Randy Cunningham Apocalypse Ninja

    end of the world Randy and pals are going to fix it.(and no it's not his fault.)

  • In the name of the Queen

    Normal Night for Danny someone trying to kill him and one of his big right? Well that true up tell Aron and a crew rewrites the time making him the next in line to watch over King and princess as her spy master.(No This will not be come dishonored)

  • Dipper's dating Doom

    A-list girl are very unstable beings. When a low class guy shuns them or putts them in their place one of two thing happen. One she has some hurt said guy or she takes a like to him. Here when she takes a liking to the guy.