Michael J. O'Malley

  • Healing a Shattered Heart

    Ryoma was betrayed by those he cared about, both his boyfriend and his team. He left Japan to 'recover', but did it actually help? After two years her returns, but he isn't the same. Everybody now thinks he betrayed Seigaku, and are out to get him. How will this turn out?

  • The Darkest Shadows

    Wammy AU-Light has had enough of being in L's shadow. He wants to end it so bad it hurts. When he finally has a chance to end his pain, someone saves him. Will Light recover from this depression, or will he succumb to the darkness of the shadows cast on him? Warnings: Cutting, language, might be triggering, MxM, sporadic updates, OOCness. Enter at your own risk. You've been warned.

  • Guilt

    AU- In which Nico never forgave Percy, Percy fell in love with Nico, and the guilt just became too much. Warning: May be triggering. Rated M for suicidal themes. One-sided Nicercy

  • Percy the Traitor, Savior of Olympus

    The gods and campers thought he was dead. He betrayed the gods to serve Kronos. Kronos was just using him to win the war. But what if he was captured? What if he joined the gods again? But he can't trust. He's too broken. Can a certain ghost king save him from himself? Pernico! Events will be different.

  • Insanity Broken by the Sun

    AU-ish thing: In which Percy has finally snapped under the pressure of all of the lives put on his shoulders. The guilt and grief finally makes him go mad, and the voices won't stop teasing him. Can he be brought out of his own guilt, or will he fall into despair? ApolloxPercy, murder, angst, slow updates (laziness), MxM (nothing explicit).

  • Is This Love?

    There is a new host in the club. He's new in the school, but seems perfectly normal. But he has a secret. When he's attacked in school, how will the club react? Can a certain manager get him to open up, or will he keep his emotions bottled up and snap? KyoyaXOC. Warnings inside. Currently being rewritten!

  • Broken Soul

    Reincarnation AU-Allen's life has been fine up until this point. Nothing strange or out of the ordinary. And then everyone from his past life started showing up again. Memories-both the good and the bad-are cropping up. Will Allen be able to heal? Main pairing: Poker Pair. This is a continuation of my story 'Empty', so please read that first. Rated T for language.

  • Percy, Broken and Betrayed

    Percy was betrayed by the gods and his friends. He was tortured by Ares, then sent to Tartarus for 100 years, only 6 months on Earth. His mother sent him to Bathory to heal and there he meets Vlad. His life becomes brighter there, but one accident ends his happiness again. Chaos takes him into is army, and Percy sees people he never expected to again. Discontinued!

  • Fading Natsu-Rewrite

    Natsu is fading, and no one seems to notice how he's been changing. Or so Natsu thinks. Can someone bring the dragon slayer back into the light, or will he succumb to his own darkness? Gratsu, OOCness, slow updates (due to laziness). Enter at your own risk.

  • Winning the War and Losing the World

    AU- In which Percy and Luke were together, and Percy lost his anchor. One-shot with PercyxLuke, character death, sadness, MxM so if you don't like ze gay tings then don't read.

  • He Isn't Okay

    Natsu isn't okay. And only Gray can see it, see the pain he's in. What will happen when it all escalates too far, and someone from Natsu's past intereferes? Sequel to Fading Natsu. Warning: OOCness, yaoi, mild angst, random updates and pseudo-hiatuses. You have been warned. I suggest you read first story before hand.

  • Empty

    AU- In which Kanda pushes Allen too far, and he just can't take it. And the voices in his head aren't helping either. Rated M for suicidal themes. One-shot.