Fox in the Stars

  • The Festival of the Divine Prince

    Balsa returns to New Yogo just in time for a festival celebrating her adventure with Chagum, and she and Tanda watch a pageant presenting the official version of their story.

  • If Any Moment (Could Last Forever)

    Based on Psychic Force; sequel to "As Many Lullabyes." Burn and Keith's battle leaves them with only one moment together — but that one moment just might be enough. Or: One Writer's Crazy Attempt to Pull a Happy Ending out of Psychic Force 2012. (For MarsDragon, New Years Resolution 2015)

  • No One May Point a Pistol At You But Me

    Based on the ballad Sovay. Another encounter. (For betony, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014.)

  • The Open Hand's Grasp

    Power cast away — could it be a deeper power gained? (For Assimbya, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014)

  • Path of Least Resistance

    Their first kiss is a group effort. (For Yellowtaffeta, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014)

  • Missed and Found

    Based on the Dana Knightstone series. In Austria, Dana kept that screwdriver like the whole game seriously. (For And Dream Of Erebor, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014)

  • Best-Laid Plans

    Based on the Dana Knightstone series. Dana tried to make it easier on herself, she really did. (For And Dream Of Erebor, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014)

  • However Many Times We Meet

    Tanyuu will always be there to see Kumado differently. (For jan and octopedingenue, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014)

  • The Dragon's Confession

    Based on The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. Why did the dragon knock himself out to prove something to a paper-bag-wearing princess? (For scintilla10, Yuletide Madness 2014)

  • As Many Lullabyes

    Based on Psychic Force. After the horrors he's been through, Keith can never seem to fall asleep. As the years pass, everyone has their own way to help. (For MarsDragon, Yuletide 2014)

  • A Writer and A Duck

    Shared moments in two ordinary (?) lives. (For Amazing E ko, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014)

  • The Shiver of Sacredness

    Outside was greater than any drug Yona had ever tasted. (For Idhren, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014)

  • Strange Reunion

    Alucard recognized Soma long ago. (For MarsDragon, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational 2014)

  • Evening Tide

    On the occasion of his third Reaping as a victor, Finnick reflects on his life and on the price of his victory. Caught between a Capitol that forces him to be its plaything and a District 4 that shuns him as a disgrace, he needs the love and guidance of his mentor to show him a way forward. Content Warnings: Sexual Abuse, Shunning, Contemplation of Suicide, Canon-Typical Violence.

  • Harry Potter and the Secret Prophecy

    An AU reenvisioning of book 5, follows my story Hand me Downs, but HMD not required. With Voldemort back Harry wants to pull his weight in the fight, but Sirius is keeping Voldemort's goal a secret, and the Ministry makes yet more trouble.

  • HandmeDowns

    In the summer following Voldemort's return, the OotP begins work on the Black House, but Sirius's childhood home takes a terrible toll on him, and it's left to Lupin to stand up for his friend, even to his allies. post GoF AU, ambiguous puppy'shipping.

  • Folk Remedy

    A brief, romantic RH moment piece. The answer to an upcoming test question is eluding Hermione. It may just be too close for her to seeand Ron may just be too shy to tell her. polished and reposted.

  • Say you were going to

    In this short short moment piece, MWPP have a conversation that begins as a lark but takes a morbid and ironically prescient turn.

  • Wanderings with Werewolves: The True Story

    I didn't expect to suddenly find myself obsessed with HP, but have always loved Prof. Lupin. Just a quickinspired ficlet set, I think, a couple years before the books start.