
  • 2 Worlds Collide: Blocks & Ponies

    Dan (The Diamond Minecart), Grim, Trayaurus and their new friend and lab assistant, Super (Full name is SupergamerBB), go on an unexpected adventure when Super goes into a cave and gets into a fight with some zombies! He's badly scared of zombies and is equipped only with a half broken stone sword and iron pickaxe, so he is fitting to die...But, might he be saved by the bell?

  • Prismatic Man's Equestrian Escapades

    We meet Prismatic Man, The Hero Of Absolutely Nowhere City, in all his kaleidoscopic glory. He's pretty stupid at times, but he means well. He was given a message from his arch nemesis: Jiraio, Master Of Contrapositivity, and it transported him to Equestria, the world of My Little Pony! But, it's not all fun and games...

  • My Little Pony: Toxic Enemy

    We join Turquoise Flare, a timid pegasus with a heart of gold. He was a very thoughtful, kind stallion who would help anypony. He and Janna, his wife, lived together in utmost harmony. One day, they were kidnapped by a bunch of criminals. Despite their strong bond and love, Janna chose to sacrifice Turquoise. He awoke in Hell, and he and Alabast plot to kill her.

  • My Little Pony: Wrapped In Mystery

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders are up to their usual antics, but they uncover an ancient magical pyramid with Twilight's help. What dangers await them inside? Can they bring the reward for their efforts back home? And who keeps leaving the stuff they need in convenient spots?