
  • Letters Between Friends

    Written for the QLFC Round 12 Season 4. A Draco/Pansy friendship letter!fic. Starts before they begin their first year and ends before the start of their sixth year.

  • Taking Back What's Mine

    An angry and suspicious Theodore Nott sneaks into his ex-girlfriend's house and gets more than what he bargained for when she returns. Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments)

  • Twitterpated

    "It's a fairly common event for older students," Hagrid told them. "There yer are, walking along, minding yer own business. All of a sudden, yer run into a beautiful face. Yer get weak in the knees, and yer head's in a whirl. Yer feel light as a feather, and before yer know it yer walking on air. And then yer know what? Yer knocked for a loop, and yer completely lose yer head."

  • A Midnight Talk

    Written for the QLFC Round 8, Season 4. Voldemort wins!AU. Harry Potter was murdered by Voldemort at the Battle of Hogwarts. With Ginny's life hanging in the balance, Ron and the rest of the Weasleys have been forced to pledge their allegiance to Voldemort. On the day before the two year anniversary, Ron receives a letter from his old friend Neville Longbottom.

  • Paralysing Shyness

    Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Potions Assignment 1. Neville Longbottom admires Luna Lovegood from afar and despairs of his shyness.

  • Windy Weather and a Purple Scarf

    Written for QLFC round 7 season 4. A recently dumped Harry Potter takes a walk through the park after a hard day at work. A chance encounter with an old flame occurs.

  • Healing Words

    It's nearly two years since the end of the Second Wizarding War. Draco Malfoy is struggling to cope with the part he played and has a low opinion of his self-worth. Meanwhile, his parents are trying to set him up with Astoria Greengrass, but will she be able to break through to him and bring him back to his former self? Based on Unconditional by Katy Perry. QLFC Round 6 Season 4.

  • Giving in to Temptation

    Written for QLFC Round 5. A chance meeting between Hermione Granger and her enemy Draco Malfoy changes things between them. Will this change be for the better or the worse? Based off 'Toxic' by Britney Spears.

  • Soul-Sucking Fiend

    Written for QLFC Round 4. It's a hot day during Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts. A Dementor senses the happiness and excitement radiating from the students and breaks Dumbledore's rule of not entering the school grounds.

  • Poisoned Arrow

    "We're from two different worlds, and this could never work out the way we want it to. I've got to marry Astoria Greengrass, as it's what my parents expect from me, and you should go back to Potter and try to make it work. The Weasley's and the Potter's, officially one big, happy family—that's the way it's supposed to be."

  • Muggle Games

    Written for Quidditch League Fanfiction Challenge. Round 2. Scorpius Malfoy reluctantly agrees to take Muggle Studies when his parents think it will help the Malfoy's reputation. Scorpius soon comes to regret this decision when he can't stand the subject. Will sitting next to Rose Weasley change his mind or make him hate it even more?

  • The Real Betrayer

    Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Charms Assignment #3. Parvati has been seeing Cormac McLaggen behind her best friend Lavender Brown's back. How long can the affair continue before Lavender finds out?

  • Rare Hermione Pairings

    A collection of one-shots featuring unusual Hermione pairings. Some will be platonic or unrequited. I'm aiming to write 200 pairings. Written for the Ultimate Hermione Granger Pairings Challenge, and the Word Prompt Express. Bill, Blaise, Kevin Whitby, Euan Abercrombie, Oliver, Dennis, Cormac.

  • Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop

    Written for the QLFC Round 1. During his sixth year at Hogwarts, Lucius Malfoy has finally built up the courage to ask Narcissa Black on a date to Hogsmeade. Imagine his horror when one of the places she wants to go to is Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop.

  • Jealousy and Regret

    Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Charms OWL. Companion piece to Closed. Blaise is meeting his friends in the Leaky Cauldron when he sees his ex-girlfriend, Daphne Greengrass. He is horrified when he realises she's on a date, as he's always regretted letting her go. Can he win her back?

  • Closed

    Blaise Zabini is closed off emotionally thanks to an event that happened eleven years ago. Can Daphne Greengrass get through to him and help him get past it? (Blaise/Daphne) Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Charms Assignment #5.

  • Lavender Brown One-Shots

    Some Lavender Brown drabbles written for the 2 Week Drabble Wars: International Women's Day. 1. A Nasty Break Up, 2. Perfect Timing, 3. Arranged Marriage, 4, something Blue, 5. Dirty Mind, 6. A Challenge Accepted, 7. Love Affair, 8. Bravery, 9. Reassuring Bryony, 10, Don't Reply, 11. Not Crazy.

  • Left Behind

    Cho struggles to cope with losing Cedric, even years after his death. How far is she willing to go in order to see him again? Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Alchemy Assignment #6. AU at the end, but stays true to many canon events.

  • Old Flames Reunited

    Ron Weasley has recently broken up with Hermione Granger. While at the Three Broomsticks he runs into his ex-girlfriend, Lavender Brown. As the alcohol flows will an old flame be rekindled? Written for the Harry Potter Pick up Line Challenge & the Getting Around Challenge.

  • Bloody Mary

    Draco and Blaise are telling each other scary stories. When Draco tells Blaise the Bloody Mary folklore, he decides he wants to try it out. Draco reluctantly agrees, but will they regret it? Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Myths and Legends Assignment #5.