
  • Draco Malfoy Eats Slugs

    Neville steps forward to help a friend when Malfoy and his cronies are being bullies. Set during Order of the Phoenix. Hints of a Neville/Luna romance.

  • A Day in the Life of Lee Jordan

    Set during the Philosopher's Stone. Lee Jordan meets his friends on the Hogwarts Express where they are about to start their third year at Hogwarts. Jokes and plans to make it their best year yet ensue.

  • A Secret I Will Never Tell

    "If I am to be totally honest, Blaise Zabini always had my attention. Even when we were first years and I was sorted into Gryffindor, and he was sorted into Slytherin. The only thing that stopped me from trying to talk to him was the undeniable and infuriating fact that we are from enemy houses." A Parvati Patil/Blaise Zabini fic. Rated K but may change in later chapters.

  • Hot-Head

    A drabble. Rose Weasley is a hot-head and Scorpius Malfoy knows exactly how to push her buttons. Written for the Level-Up Challenge (Tutorial/Stage 1/Part 1)

  • Gone Too Soon

    Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments). Care of Magical Creatures Assignment #2. Cedric Diggory finds himself in a strange place. The last thing he can remember is being transported somewhere else with Harry Potter when they touched the Triwizard Cup. Where is he and how did he get there?

  • Meeting My Daughter's Boyfriend

    Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Divination Assignment #2. The Day Ron Weasley has been dreading for 16 years has finally arrived. His daughter is going on her first date and he is about to meet her boyfriend for the first time. Ron/Hermione and Scorpius/Rose pairings.

  • Waiting Again

    Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Ancient Runes Assignment #3. 'Anger and bewilderment replaced sadness for a moment. Why didn't he want her to go with him? She loved him and would gladly give her life for him, so why didn't he see that' Ginny Weasley finds herself waiting once more for Harry Potter.

  • Who said Chivalry is dead?

    Written for QLFC Season 4 Round 10. Sir Cadogan replaces the Fat Lady as the guard to the Gryffindor Tower. What happens when he comes face to face with Sirius Black? A missing moment from POA.

  • A Rescue and a Secret Meeting

    Harry Potter is on his way to a secret rendezvous with everyone's favourite Slytherin. Will he get there without getting caught by Filch and Mrs. Norris?

  • Quivering Quirrell

    The book called to him, and without hesitation, he reached under the bed for the heavy object. He turned to the page about vampires and read the first page with a grin. One day, Quivering Quirrell would make the world sit up and notice him, and when that day came, no one would laugh at him again.

  • Man vs Cat

    Cat!AU. James Potter has been dating Lily Evans for two months, and the only thing stopping them from being truly happy is Lily's cat, Petunia. Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Arithmancy Assignment 9.

  • Roosting Point Café

    Entry for QLFC Round 4 Finals 1. Lily has arranged to meet up with her best friend, Marlene McKinnon, to exchange Christmas presents. What she doesn't know is that Marlene has a few tricks up her sleeve.

  • A Kiss at Midnight

    Entry for Secret Santa at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Petunia has to go alone to her parents New Years Eve party. How will she cope with Lily and her magical friends?

  • Leaving

    Remus knows that his boyfriend's behaviour is getting worse with every passing day, but he loves him and is determined to stick around. However, Sirius becomes possessive of Remus and jealous of Tonks. How much longer can Remus stay in their rapidly deteriorating relationship?

  • A Collection of Drabbles

    Drabbles focusing on members of the Weasley family. Written for the Word Prompt Express and the If You Dare Challenge (REVIVED!) Ron/Hermione, Rose/Scorpius, Molly/Arthur

  • Photograph

    Narcissa looks at a photograph of her and her sisters during a happier time.

  • Opposites Attract

    Written for Sherri3555 for the April One-Shot Exchange. AU story that takes place in a Muggle high school. Draco Malfoy has set his sights on Harry Potter, and nothing his best friend Blaise Zabini says will change his mind.

  • Ron & Hermione One-Shots

    A collection of Romione drabbles written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) February Event: My Love. Also written for the Word Prompt Express.

  • Sprinkles

    Written for Round 13, Season 4 of QLFC. Angelina struggles in the aftermath of the 1994 Quidditch World Cup riot and worries about there being another war. Fred comes to find her and does his best to reassure her.

  • A Destructive Cycle

    Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges and Assignments) Albus is caught up in a doomed love affair with his sister's fiancé. Will he be able to break out of the destructive cycle before it ruins all their lives? Scorpius/Albus, Scorpius/Lily