

  • The Final Battle

    The final battle with Gaea is about to begin. Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Piper, Frank, and Hazel are waiting for the enemy to approach. As they do, they each take a moment to reflect on their lives and accomplishments. A one-shot for Blood of Olympus to remind us of these characters and how far they've come. Genre isn't listed because I couldn't really think of one.

  • The 76th Hunger Games

    The Seven go to sleep after a fun day at Camp. However, when they wake up, they eventually realize that they've been transported into the future by the same force that is using the Mist to restart the tradition of the games. The demigods have to defeat this force, but first things first: They have to survive the Hunger Games. NOTE: First few chapters written BEFORE BoO came out.

  • The Daughter of Iris

    Paraquesha "Queia" Swormann has never been an ordinary person. She's ADHD, dyslexic, seems to be able to mess with lights, and her hair never stays one color. One day, her odd best friend Grover asks her to take a risk, and follow him. The two of them journey to Camp Half Blood, but it's not an easy path.

  • Letters

    "So, you're probably wondering how I'm sending this to you. The Hecate cabin thought they could use their magic to transport things back in time and that it would be fun for everyone to write a letter to our past selves just after we found out we were demigods." Yup. That pretty much sums it up. Ex: Post-BoO Percy writing to first-night-at-camp Percy. Rated K Plus to be safe.

  • Who Even Needs a Valentine?

    Valentine's Day is the time for all sorts of huge romantic gestures. Then, on FF sites, it's all about romantic fluff fics for our favorite ships. But, new flash: Not everybody had a valentine this year, including one of our favorite Romans at Camp Jupiter. It's time to give them some attention instead of all the couples. But, if you think about it, who even needs a sweetheart?

  • Happy New Year!

    It's officially a new year for us, and our favorite magicians over in Brooklyn. So, of course, they have a huge celebration filled with magic penguins, water fights in the middle of winter, and overall randomness. Need I say more? A happy, light, and fluffy one-shot for New Years (even if it is a couple days late). I don't see why it shouldn't be K, but to be safe, it's K Plus.

  • Merry Chirstmas Demigods!

    It's Christmas season and with Gaea and Kronos out of the way, our favorite demigods are ready to have a normal, full on holiday party- Well, as normal as it can be with a few hundred half bloods. Read, review, and enjoy!

  • The Curse of Apophis

    It's a normal day at Camp Half Blood when suddenly some Egyptian monsters attack the camp. After a prophecy from Rachel, the demigods have decided that something's up. The Seven have to combine forces with some of Brooklyn House's magicians to stop what they conclude is the work of Apophis and a certain ghost. Takes place after Staff of Serapis. COMPLETE

  • Not So Typical

    It's September 20th, at least the day I'm publishing this is. Why does it matter? This story should answer that question. Fluffy Zarter one-shot. And I just realized how short this summary is.