Bryon Nightshade

  • Event Horizon

    Ciel Soleil failed her mission to mind Penny, and both died at the Fall of Beacon. The Fall of Beacon hasn't happened. Stuck in a day full of horrors that won't let her stay dead, Ciel slowly determines there's only one way she can break free: Team RWBY must win the Battle of Beacon. Maybe, by helping them, Ciel can save Penny- and herself.

  • Jumping In With Both Feet

    It wasn't until JNR settled into their routine in Atlas that they got a chance to breathe. To think about what had grown amongst them, and that was still growing. When they got that chance, though, the next step seemed clear, and Nora never used only half her heart.

  • Ruby Survives

    The chase ends at the shores of the grimm pools. (A very dark work of pure despair. Do not read.)

  • It's a Metaphor

    When a Huntress' soul is her sword, everything to do with weapons takes on an added degree of intimacy. When the Beacon syllabus brings a lesson requiring partners to swap weapons, it's a sure thing that these hormonal teenagers will deal with the assignment in a collected, mature, professional manner... in Glynda's dreams, maybe.

  • The HuntsMan versus the Red Huntress: Noon of Nonsense

    Picking up where RWBY Chibi left off, Vale's worst superhero and the most reluctant nemesis ever have been warily circling each other for weeks now. So have Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos. Surely this is a coincidence. (Spoiler: It's not a coincidence.)

  • (In)Attention To Detail

    An Atlas military analyst working for General Ironwood discovers, to his horror, that the worst case scenario isn't someone reading his work, nor someone refusing to read it. The worst case is someone reading only the parts they want to see.

  • Downtime

    Loosely connected sketches from Hunter Base between wars. Topics include: learning janken-pon; boredom as a life goal; Zero's list of the most dangerous things; recreational heckling; failing one's Intimidation roll; and more to be added over time.

  • Worst Road Trip Ever

    During the V3-V4 timeskip, the members of Team RNJR try to keep each other safe and sane on the road to Mistral. An anthology fic, featuring feels, humor, Renora backstory, villages variously helpful/hurtful/on fire, and lots (and lots) of walking.

  • OBM

    As often as Ruby goes around helping people, Weiss wonders if she even realizes when she's helped. Weiss didn't love her scar. Meeting Ruby changed things.

  • False Dawn

    X1 prequel/intro. Loyalty: it's a concept early robots couldn't understand, as there was no alternative; disobedience was impossible. X and his progeny are cursed to be more than that. At the moment of crisis, X, Sigma, and Zero must decide where their loyalties lie. Their choices will shake the world. Complete.

  • Unclean Spirit

    X-series, creepy, one-shot. In the aftermath of Eurasia's fall, a revived-again Zero returns bearing new information. Being Zero, he treats this information as a weapon. Little does he know that it's a two-edged weapon... and he won't be the one to pay the price.

  • Abyssal

    A very dark reformulation of the X story. X's long hibernation had two objectives: first, to ensure that X had an ethical grounding before he woke up; second, to delay X's awakening until some future time when the world might better appreciate intelligent robots. The first objective was met. The second was not... oh, was it ever not. Complete, with epilogue.

  • Purgation

    Fluffy one-shot. Raven keeps people away as a matter of course. It catches her off-guard, then, that someone might know her so well. Well enough, at any rate, to give her something she secretly wants.

  • One Link in the Cable

    Being a Maverick Hunter is depressing work. The hours are long, the job thankless, the mortality rate sickening, and the pay terrible. But there are times when it's not too bad... like when it's time to break in some newbies. Newbies that don't appreciate just who, or what, X and Zero are. Complete.

  • Credo

    Zero. A priest. A corpse. There are far more questions than answers surrounding this tangle of bodies. It's not a good combination for an android who prefers things simple. In his stubbornness, Zero will venture far outside his comfort zone to find answers. Just don't expect him to be happy about it. Complete, with epilogue.

  • A Foundation of Sand

    X1 aftermath. One-shot. Sigma claimed his revolution was necessary to usher in a new age. He failed, but the damage is done- the old world is gone. What will come next is, as yet, unclear... for the one being that would have the most to say about that doesn't want the job.

  • The Sky Is Orange

    He'd heard the rumors, of course- that Harry Potter was drunk with power, or had become senile, or had gone mad. But none of it prepared the aspiring Auror for his encounter with the Head of the Auror's Office.