The Light Inside The Darkness

  • She's The Man - Or Not

    (AU) After Maura refuses Jane's advances, making it clear she's not interested in women, Jane tries her luck as a guy. But will this turn out the way she wants it to or will it blow up in her face? (Set when Jane is eighteen and in High School and Maura twenty and attending BCU) Teen Rizzles

  • Crashing In or Out of Love

    (Slightly AU) The first time Jane and Maura meet, Maura runs Jane over with her car. Will they be able to work through this and become friends? Or better yet, will they be able to work together at all? Eventual Rizzles!

  • Second Chances

    (Sequel to She's the Man - Or Not) 20 years after Maura ended things with Jane, the two meet again at BPD. Will Maura be able to trust Jane again? And what happens when Jane finds out Maura's secret? Eventual Rizzles.