

  • And Then Came A Duke

    {AU} Her life was awfully tedious, poverty, clearing tables, shining china cups, being a disaster. He was closed off, cynical, leading a life safe from emotion. He paid her to prove that she would never be a proper duchess but who knows what power a bride selection ceremony and his mother's duchess training might hold. Beware though, life often has an ironical sense of humour...

  • Contrast

    He noticed the oddities and contrast in their personalities…strangely taken aback by the white and black clarity of their opposite dispositions. Then, he wondered how, despite the obvious contrast, had they come to stand in the room, gazing at each other like old lovers. Mai/Naru. Dedicated to myheart's flight.

  • Once Upon A Rainy Eve

    {AU} He was a jaded rake who pretended to be a reckless, manipulating rogue. She was a passionate woman with a flawless exterior rendered worthless by a broken engagement. But when she knocks on his door, one rainy eve with a deal that is ruination itself, he agrees to be chivalrous, for once. Even if he has to battle his desires, a lonely past, thieves, royal dukes and love.

  • And When He Left

    'He was going to return. He had promised... to himself, to Noll, to his mother - though what he didn't know was that some promises were made to broken.' A tangent from the events that happened before ATCAD. Dedicated to Elm...

  • So When It Rained

    'He hated when it rained – just like Gene did – and shaking his head, Naru mused on how a simple weather change could drastically worsen his mood. After all, the cause of his irrational anger and restlessness had to be the weather, any other options, especially those including his brunette assistant, were entirely unacceptable.' Oneshot. NxM

  • Impressions

    Change in destiny leads to unknown circumstances, unknown circumstances lead to hasty impressions. Ever wondered what the narcissist and the brunette thought of each other without knowing each other properly. I'm sure their thoughts go deeper than we'd ever thought. Written for Iloveanimex. [Complete!]

  • Reflections

    'Oliver Davis clasped the railing and then leaned over – wanting to find his brother in the depths of this lake by just looking, but the more he leaned over, the more the same thing greeted him in the rippling water. His dazed reflection...the face that so resembled Gene' - How had Naru felt when he finally located Gene's body in the lake? Read and Review!

  • Tumultuous

    'Nothing really altered with their change in relationship; he was the same sarcastic jerk, she was the same pretty little assistant. Every morning she would run late and Naru would dismiss all excuses she had to offer, but something had changed now.' A series of phrases in their life together that teaches them to move on towards something deeper, more meaningful. NaruxMai Two-shot.

  • The Only Exception

    'Mai Taniyama had always been an exception to all his theories' - A one-shot featuring the feelings of our favorite narcissist as he experiences at different moments in his life that Mai surpasses all science and equations that he had set for other people. Enjoy!