

  • Imaginary Friends

    She was a girl who couldn't see the world. He was a boy who the world couldn't see. Fate brings them together, but it could also drive them apart. (One-shot JackXElsa, JElsa fanfic. Mostly Elsa's POV, Jack's POV at the end. Enjoy.)

  • My Soul, Your Beats!

    Soul wakes up one day with no memories, surrounded by new faces that claim he's dead. The skeptical scythe then tries to figure out what's really going on, with the help of the Afterlife Battlefront. But back home, Maka is forced to cope with the death of her partner and lover. (Pairing is SoulXMaka. WARNING: Character death and angst. COMPLETE)

  • Do You Want to Build a Unicorn?

    Ten years after Asura's demise, Stein's living a comfortable life with his new family. But inner storms threaten to spill over, forcing the doctor to harsh measures to protect those he loves. (This is set in the animeverse. There simply aren't enough Stein-centered fics out there, so I thought I'd contribute. :D One-shot.)

  • Day of the Dead

    Kid's being haunted by a cruel reality of being a Grim Reaper. Quite by accident he stumbles upon an escape from his nightmares, and finds himself drawn to her. (Kid's POV, and a birthday present for my friend. One-shot.)

  • Your Host Death The Kid

    It'll be fun, he said. You'll see Japan, he said. Patty and Liz will enjoy themselves, he said. Well, thank you Dad. I'm trying to work undercover, but now I'm stuck in this thing called the "Host Club"... (Written from Kid's POV as a series of journal entries. :3 Enjoy! Rated T because it's Ouran. Do I need to explain? This IS NOT a yaoi fic. Now with bonus chapter! :D COMPLETE)

  • Of Monsters and Demons

    A collection of Soul Eater oneshots. Latest: Late SteinMarie week entry. Bending AU. Stein's a former soldier of the Fire Nation, locked away for being a madman. Marie, being one of the new known Lightningbenders, is volunteered to help Stein learn focus and control through the painstaking process of teaching him to Lightningbend.

  • Palette

    (SUSPENDED) In an alternate timeline, the Star Clan lived. They kill anyone who finds out too much about them. You're not even safe if you just know one of their names. I joined the DWMA to destroy them, to get my revenge. Still, that one blue-haired boy seems... Different. But his corrupted clan is alive and strong. You're not safe. (Tsubaki's POV, TsuStar.)

  • Valentine's Day

    A series of four oneshots for Valentine's Day, set in the animeverse, with each chapter focusing on a different pairing. First is Tsustar (Tsubaki X Black*Star), then SoMa (Soul X Maka), then Kirona (Kid X Crona), and finally, Marie X Stein X Medusa (Expect drama in that one.) Enjoy, everyone! All chapters are up. Rated T because of the Stein one.

  • Medusa's Lullaby

    Medusa schemes a plan to either release Asura from his prison or to use Crona to slay Lord Death. (A parody of Zira's Lullaby from The Lion King II. I'm pretty sure this has been done before, but the lyrics just fit so well. Oneshot.)

  • Innocent Hearts, Tainted Souls

    "I'm four years older than you!" "I'm a prodigy." "You're a nut job." So went a normal conversation in the young lives of Spirit and Stein. Like normal boys, they each had their quirks while capturing and chasing the hearts of their female peers. But unlike normal boys, one's a madman and the other's a scythe. Explore their insanity-filled world, but guard your soul. COMPLETE