
  • An Elfling in Need

    When Legolas' mother is lost by the hands of orcs, the young prince is dying inside. Thranduil doesn't know what to do so he turns to one person who might. From letters between Thranduil and Elrond and then the path they chose to take. Can they save the prince from falling into shadow before its too late?

  • Family

    When Casey and Gabby get some great news how will the family react to the news and how will Casey deal will allowing her to work? All from Casey's POV.

  • It was suppose to be me

    When someone wants Jay dead, he sends someone after him. He is lucky that he doesn't lose his life however will someone close to him lose their theirs? When identities are mixed up, one of Jay's best friends nearly dies for him and the only witness is the officer's son who heard it all on the phone. Can the team find the shooters and keep Jay safe?

  • You Are Part Of This Team

    When Sam is placed into Team One things don't go well. He is unwanted by the team but he builds new friendships with the other teams. However when Sam is injured maybe dying; will the team be able to undue the damage that they have caused or will they never get the chance to say sorry?

  • Nearly Lost You

    Medical call goes wrong and one of the EMTs gets trapped, can the team get her out in time and will she survive after it. Was it an accident or was someone trying to kill them? Also this may crossover to Chicago PD.

  • To Imladris We Go

    Traveling for the first time to Imladris can be scary for the young prince of the Greenwood however it is not a normal visit for his father King Thranduil. Nearly killing one of his oldest friends and then with an orc attack will he lose his captain or will by change a new friendship form because of it. Have a look through Legolas' foot steps as he meets new faces and new friends.

  • Troubles of a Sniper

    When the teams team up to stop a Sniper in Chicago, Cooper's team start having flashbacks to the other case. But for Mick it has gotten a lot more personal when a black ops job comes back to haunt him and in the end tries to kill him. Will both teams work out who the killers is or will Mick have to fight this alone.

  • The Making of the Order

    How did Tonks become part of the Order? Here is my version of this meeting with Dumbledore and a few other friends.

  • Nightmare of Savoy

    Story about how Aramis could live after Savoy and the loss of 20 of his brothers. And what will happen when he returns home?

  • We are Friends

    When Lindsay is helpless she is used to nearly kill a friend. She watches as a friend is shot twice in front of her and she blames herself. Can her friends make her believe this isn't her fault and move on or will a case rip the group apart when Voight doesn't tell them the truth and she nearly ends up killing her friend a second time ?

  • Fighting the Coming Darkness

    Glorfindel is traveling to Mirkwood to speak to King Thranduil when he mets an old enemy, the Witch-King. However he has brought a party of orcs. With a little help from the four prices of Mirkwood and their wood elves can Glorfindel fight him without losing his life.

  • Pain, Darkness and Love

    A tale about John Tracy the second oldest Tracy son. This story is about him being forced to save his own life or the lives of his family. What will be chose? or can he find a way to see his family again. Or will the Hood win by killing one of the Thunderbirds.

  • Memories to Painful to Speak

    Glorfindel falls when he protects his friend's sons, but can Elrond get there in time to save him and can the boys forget what they saw.

  • I was Alone

    Gabby's POV when she was trapped after the bombing and how she felt down there.

  • Dangerous Woods

    Another tale in the family bond that Thorin has with Fili and Kili. But will that cause one of them to lose their life?