
  • The Other Side

    Happening upon Snape in the worst of circumstances, a muggle civilian is given a crash course in Magic. Despite best efforts to stay away from each other- the universe keeps redirecting their paths.

  • He Dreamt

    Seven-year old Severus hears the sounds of glass breaking in the next room and can't help but think that he doesn't want the world anymore. one-shot.

  • Butterfly Fields

    From every view, Snape is forced to take care of Kate because of a mismade potion. Coming to Hogwats, the plot thickens, putting Harry and Snape on the spot. The past is discovered, severitus challenge. *STORY COMPLETE!*

  • Bloody Moon

    When a vampire attacks her, help comes from unexpected and magical places. Secrets of a mysterious familiar character are revealed as a new story unfolds.