

  • Mirror, Mirror, in Us All

    What someone sees in the Mirror is just a reflection of themselves. That's what most people think, at least. But no, when you look into the Mirror, you see something more. You see a much deeper reflection. The reflection of the darkest side of your heart.

  • Of Thieves and Thrones

    There are two kinds of thieves: the kind that steal material possessions, and the kind that steal trust, loyalty, and the hearts of people. Maleficent, one of the most talented thieves in the kingdom, is, quite regrettably, familiar with both. [thief!Maleficent/noblewoman!Aurora AU]

  • Under the Rowan Tree

    A collection of fluff prompts I've gotten from various people on tumblr, or just little fluffy drabbles. Yay for heart-melting cuteness! The ratings on these will vary, from general audiences to teen audiences. I'll indicate the rating in each individual chapter. [if you suggested the prompt to me, please let me know! I didn't save your usernames with the prompts :( ]

  • Hiding Place

    Maleficent and Aurora discover a place that was made just for them...by them.

  • Rest and Let Go

    "My love is just waiting to turn your tears to roses..." It's been three years since Aurora's awakening, and all is well, but Maleficent cannot get rid of the excruciating guilt that plagues her, that shadows her at every turn. And Aurora knows something is wrong.