

  • The Reluctant Tourist

    This story has been written for the express purpose of writing one of my favourite Spooks characters. This is the first chapter, (most likely) of two. I have not yet written the next chapter, but the story feels incomplete as a one shot.

  • If I Could Turn Back Time

    This story is woven around a familiar theme, and in a familiar setting, but with a different outcome. One shot only (definitely).

  • From an Upstairs Window

    The following fic is AU, set 2.5 years after the end of S10. It is an experiment in using OCs to assist the narrative, as observers of our favourite couple. What started out as a one shot has become 3 chapters, which I hope will tie things off nicely.

  • Bolthole in Wandsworth

    This story (currently a one shot but with potential to be expanded to one more chapter) is set late in S10, with an AU scenario in relation to the visiting Russians. Realistically, it's just another excuse/vehicle for getting H & R together.

  • Beyond Flirting

    This one shot is a follow up story to "Flirting", and it may help if you read that first, although this story can stand alone. Set mid S.5 (and where Cotterdam did not happen, and perhaps O. Mace could have found another Section head to target) Ruth and Harry go on their second dinner date ... even though Ruth still has some reservations.

  • Guilt, Regret and Everything Else

    In the wake of Harry's proposal after Ros' funeral, he takes an unnecessary risk, leaving Ruth to reconsider her decision to turn him down. 4 chapters, with brief appearances by other S.9 characters.

  • Surprise Encounter

    Who is the woman who has the ability to create such anger in Harry? Ruth is sure it is none of her business. This story in 3 chapters is the outcome of a stray comment on Facebook by a couple of other readers/writers of HR fanfic. Set some time (probably late-ish) in S8, an alternative lead up to Ruth asking Harry for a drink.

  • One Stray Bullet

    What will it take for Harry to reconsider his future? This story is set around 7 months after the end of S.10. Definitely one shot.

  • Something Is Better Than Nothing

    Set early in S9, after 9.1, this is a short story in 4 chapters – a one-shot which got away from me. Harry and Ruth, with no-one else, and no plot to speak of. While not altogether serious, nor could it be classified as humorous, and nor is it original. Just some quite gentle Harry and Ruth.

  • Drinks at The Anchor

    My second one-shot in honour of Harry's birthday, this story follows a similar arc to "A Birthday To Remember", and so is a companion piece. Set just after the end of S.10, following canon, but with a couple of (rather necessary) differences.

  • All Out At Silly Point

    An AU one-shot, set some time in S.9. Harry tries to explain to Ruth the rules of cricket. Is that even possible, and does Ruth even care? This is my tribute to the long standing cricketing rivalry between England and Australia. Light hearted nonsense, rated T for a few sweary words.

  • Alone and Unpartnered

    A one shot set some months after the end of S10. I find it impossible to categorise this story, or to choose the chief characters, so I'll not do that. All is revealled by reading, so best you do that. Rated T for some adult concepts.

  • Washing His Soul Clean

    This is a two shot - Harry and Ruth - AU scenario, but within a canon context. None of what is written here would ever have occurred in Spooks, which is why I have rambled about it here.

  • Analyst v Analyst

    This fic began with the idea of putting Ruth and Connie together on the Grid - as work colleagues - and the likely repercussions of such a pairing. What happened wasn't what I'd expected at all, and what was meant to be lightly humorous, rather quickly turned serious, and a little bit dark. An AU tale, set early in S.7. 3 chapters.

  • Sasha's Gift

    Another one-shot, set in that AU universe post 10.6. This story follows Harry a month after Ruth's funeral. Best I don't natter on here. Best you read it instead.

  • Flirting

    A light-hearted look at what happens when Ruth texts a friend, but the text ends up being received by the wrong person ... or perhaps it is received by the right person. I'll let you decide. One shot.

  • Sacrifice

    15 chapters, set during S.9, but after 9.1. When this story opens, Harry and Ruth are dating, having transcended the difficulties which arose after he proposed to her at Ros' funeral. An AU scenario, with some action, some romance, some swearing - so it's T-rated. Spooks characters belong to Kudos, while my own belong to me.

  • Being Harry Pearce

    This short story is told in 3 chapters. Set late in S.8, I have written this story to stand instead of the drink-they-never-got-to-have. It also might serve to lead into Harry's strange proposal early in S.9. Truthfully, it emerged from an idea which wouldn't go away. I have written all but the opening paragraph of Chapter 1 during the course of one day.

  • Lost and Found

    Harry is approaching his 60th birthday - another birthday without Ruth - when everything he'd believed to be true is proven to be untrue. How does he handle the news, especially when he has been attempting to move on? 11 chapters (probably)

  • The Silent Sound Of Loneliness

    My original NYE fic, set as 2010 became 2011. Harry & Ruth can't seem to speak to one another in complete and comprehensible sentences. One shot.