

  • 31st December 2009

    My one-shot for New Year, and the title tells us when it takes place. All is explained in the story. Kudos own Spooks characters, while I created Gaynor. Enjoy! (I prefer to take my characters off-Grid, so this is another story which takes place elsewhere.)

  • Remembering Christmases Past

    This is a Christmas story set well into the future, so not everyone in Spooks has made it to 2038. Whilst a sad story, I also hope it is uplifting and hopeful. My final contribution to Christmas 2014. One-shot.

  • A Christmas Wish

    A Harry-centric Christmas one-shot, where his daughter visits him and with her prompting, he is able to articulate his wishes for the Christmas season. (It covers several different genres, so I've left that out.)

  • A Woman Waits For Me

    Another story featuring Jane Townsend, set around 3 months after "Surprise Encounter". Part follow-up, part companion piece, this is a Harry & Ruth story, with lashings of Jane. 5 chapters.

  • A Birthday To Remember

    The first of two one-shots I have written in honour of Harry's birthday on November 1st. The fic explains itself. An AU situation within the canon storyline. Perhaps Spooks would have been better had this been allowed to happen.

  • Revelation

    Harry receives some surprising and life-changing news - post Ruth's death. Definitely a one shot, mostly from Harry's POV.

  • Rendezvous In Siena

    What happens when Harry receives an invitation from Ruth while she is still in exile? Of course, he can't ignore the invitation. Harry-centric in 12 chapters. Rating will increase later.

  • The Man In Room D26

    Set early in S.9. This story takes place almost all off-Grid (my favourite place) Something is going down in Warwickshire, and there is a mystery to be solved. Someone - presumed dead - has gone missing. 8 chapters.

  • Into My Arms

    Completely AU, 7 chapters and an epilogue of post-Ruth's-return-S.8 Harry and Ruth. This story takes place completely off Grid, with no plot to speak of. Written around 5 months ago, I had shelved it, but ... here it is. The title is derived from the Nick Cave song.

  • Postcard From Livorno

    A story set during Eps 6.1 - 6.2, beginning with the canon story, but veering into AU territory, when someone who is living in Italy gets involved, and changes the course of events. (There are plot holes aplenty.) Originally a one-shot, but it got out of hand ... now a 3-shot.

  • Reunion

    A(nother) post S.10 AU fic ... in 6 chapters, beginning in 2016. The inspiration for this fic came from a review (by NatesDate) for an old fic, in which she commented on the improbability both of Ruth dying from being stabbed by a little bit of glass, and of Harry not being extradited to the US after Ruth's death'. The back story is what drives this.

  • The Letter

    A two shot, set after Cotterdam. Ruth has been away from London for a year or so, when Harry receives a letter in the post. (Rated M to be on the safe side.)

  • More

    This is an 8 chapter sequel to "Miles Apart". Set from early in 5.04, and ending mid to late 5.05, this story weaves around the canon, occasionally veering off into its own universe. Told chiefly from Ruth's POV, what happens when Harry wants more?

  • Miles Apart

    This is a hidden scene, set some time early in 5.04, before Havensworth, and well before Cotterdam. I have written this story before, but during different times in Spooks, so it's not entirely original. Ruth contemplates why she turned Harry down when he asked her out the second time. One shot.

  • Easter 2011

    I wanted to write an Easter story, and this is as close as I'll get. It is set Easter 2011 (thus the title ...) and Ruth has chosen to work on the Grid for the whole 4 days. Why not? It's not as though she has anything better to do. 2 chapters of (not terribly original) HR fluff.

  • Pretending

    This multi-chapter fic begins between Series' 4 and 5, and continues from there. In this story, Adam was not shot by Angela Wells, and so is fit and well. It begins with a non-canon story line, where Adam decides that Harry needs to go undercover, and he needs to pose as a married man. Why? Only Adam knows. Some brief appearances by other S.5 characters.

  • Harry's Choice

    This is a one shot - mostly serious, but hopeful - and better I just post it, and let you get on with reading. Whatever I say here will not help you in any way, or properly prepare you for it. All is revealed in the reading, so it's best I leave you to it.

  • Operation Sleeping Beauty

    Another post-S.10 fic, where all is not as it seems. Massively AU. 6 chapters. (This story has been lying around for a while, and I thought I may as well dust it off.)

  • To Join Our Illustrious Brotherhood

    A one-shot, created from a series of hidden scenes which begins immediately after the meeting (in 4.05) where Harry and Ruth have a mild disagreement over Harry's use of the word, brotherhood, to describe a collective of Grid personnel. Ruth and Fiona decide to take things into their own hands.

  • Cyprus Spring

    Ruth has been living in Cyprus for a little over a year, when she spies a familiar face leaving the market in Polis. Another one of my multi-fic (14 chapters this time) Harry & Ruth stories, with a spooky plot to prop up the characters, and get them motivated.