

  • With a Smile Like That

    Two shot AU: He opened the wrong door during a house party and locked eyes with a stranger. Scratch that – a naked, handsome stranger who wanted him to stay, even if it was for a little while longer.

  • These Wounds Won't Heal

    Winston reflects on his brief relationship with Jeff before leaving the Maze. Pairing inspired by relationship depicted in The Maze Runner film. Warning: Spoilers pertaining to the fate of a character near the end of The Maze Runner film. Graphic descriptions of butchering related to Winston's job as a Slicer. Cross posted to tumblr.

  • I'll Be the Warmth When Your Heart's Grown Cold

    AU: Newt is dealing with a painful break-up. He wanders around town and comes across a coffee shop hosting an Open Mic Night. As he's ordering a cup of strong black coffee, he notices a guy he's never seen before playing guitar. The guitar player catches Newt looking at him and sings the last verse of the song to him. Lyrics from The Keeper by Marie Digby and Kina Grannis.

  • Giving Them Hell

    Based off a scene in the film. How Teresa ended up at the top of the Lookout in The Glade.

  • I'll Take it to the Grave

    Set before Thomas came up in The Box. Winston gets injured while bringing a goat into the Bloodhouse and wakes up in the medical hut. While Clint goes to assess the other Gladers' injuries, Jeff and Winston try to hook up, only to be busted by the other Med-Jack. Cross posted to tumblr.

  • Sizing Up the Tributes

    They watched her shoot without missing a step in the training simulation. Why did some want her as an ally?

  • So I Noticed

    She caught Minho's eye. He should have felt weird talking to his clone in girl form but some how, it just feels right… "Cute Girl" Minho talks to in the berg from The Scorch Trials was reimagined as Minho's Group B counterpart (Her name comes from the Korean independence activist named Maria Kim.) The Scorch was over but the real challenges were coming.

  • If We Are a Match

    AU Teresa wanders into a fancy fashion boutique on a whim after looking at the window displays. Okay, so there's no way she could afford anything in this place and really, the stuff was maybe not her style but it was the only way she could check out the shop clerk without looking like a total loser, right?

  • He's a Handsome Little Mystery

    AU: Instead of sitting around and moping on Valentine's Day, Sonya decides to go out and capture her day in photos. Between the bites at local eateries and bike riding along the beach, she keeps running into a tall, lanky blonde with a crooked smile and a warm accent. She's never seen him before, but maybe he's the little mystery that she needed on a day like this.

  • More Than Just a Box of Chocolates

    AU The Gladers attend an international college preparatory school. After Thomas sits through a lesson on cultural practices for Valentine's Day, he is motivated to gather his courage and make a unique box of chocolates for his crush. Minho was used to seeing tons of gifts in his locker and on his desk every Valentine's Day but he felt drawn to one box in particular.

  • Took Him by Surprise but it All Made Sense

    High school AU: Someone has been leaving Aris small gifts leading up to Valentine's Day. Part of him is flattered, while the other part of him is concerned that they could be from someone he doesn't feel the same about.

  • Candles Plus Tests Equals A Better Ending to a Birthday

    AU Thomas is having the WORST day ever. No one seems to care/remember it's his birthday & he misplaces a preferences quiz in Study Hall while trying to pass it off. While his name wasn't on it, the good looking jock who picked it up recognized his handwriting and decides to make things a little less sucky for the shank. Inspired by Sixteen Candles set in modern time.

  • Checking Him Out From the Corner of His Eye

    AU: Gally is one of the top athletes on the WICKED University wrestling team. At the advice of his coach, he decides to spend some time in the gym doing weight training. Because it was Valentine's Day, he had the gym all to himself. Well, him plus a good-looking blonde from the cross country team.

  • Your Voice Was My Wake-Up Call

    AU: To him, Valentine's Day was just another busy day meeting his advisor for thesis prep, catching up on the week's assignments, and working a full shift at the nearby coffee shop to pay the bills. "What's your strongest brew ya got?" the blonde asked him with a warm accent. New guy obviously, he thought as he looked up and locked eyes with the blonde. Yup this shank's new.

  • She Stole the Scene

    AU One Shot: Aris goes on a date with Teresa to the movies. As he's pulling out money to pay for the tickets, he locks eyes with the green-gold ones staring back at him from behind the Plexiglas divider. He told himself that she was just an usher but why can't he stop thinking about her on his date?

  • Who Says Girls Can't Give Flowers?

    Based on a word prompt from tumblr where an anon requested Threnda and flowers. Set in Paradise, Brenda contemplates giving Thomas flowers.

  • Guess Uniforms Aren't So Shuckin' Bad

    AU Minho is struggling with the new school uniform policy until he finds a cute Greenie tying his tie to fit the Student Handbook. Who knew that uniforms could be so... Based on a first sentence request from an anon tumblr user who requested the story start with "To be honest, Minho never liked the school uniform until he saw Thomas wearing it on Thursday morning."

  • I Wanna Be on Her A-Team

    Set in the beginning, X-23 is captured by a group of mobsters and is strung up in a decrepit warehouse back to back with an Agent of few words. She gets a call from Logan, summoning her to the mutant school for a meeting. Storm told her to not make too much of a mess – yeah, easier said than done. Inspired by Black Widow's escape in The Avengers & done as a writer's challenge.

  • If Minho Trusts You, That's Good Enough for Them

    Set during The Maze Runner film, Minho recruits Zart, Winston, and Frypan to accompany him and Thomas back into the Maze to find the Griever corpse. Warning: Somewhat graphic descriptions of the Bloodhouse where Winston works – do not read if you aren't a fan of his line of work. Lee was one of the names on the Glader wall and he was reimagined as a Runner.

  • It's Too Funny to Watch

    Set during The Maze Runner film. Chuck was smart to steer clear of the mysterious girl when she made a break for it. Suddenly, a mundane workday as a Slopper got a whole lot funnier.