The Tambourine Man

  • Heavenly Blue

    Nico Emery survives a massacre by the imperial army, cloaked in blue flame. Having lost her family and home, she joins the army in hope of preventing further tragedy. She starts to build a new family among her squad mates, but she struggles with the question of how to use her power. Valkyria Nico.

  • The facts concerning the case of RV Daedalus

    An examination of a wholly preventable tragedy, and what it can teach us about the era of the Abyssal Crisis.

  • Evanescence

    Rhea confers with the staff and students of Garreg Mach to learn about the increasingly bizarre behavior of the Black Eagles. The truth is... quite odd. It erupts into a bizarre disaster that could swallow Fódlan. (Spoilers for Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn)

  • Nightshade

    The path takes a different turn. Cheria begins acting strangely, and Asbel is left wondering as to who his oldest friend really is.

  • Moving On

    The wedding of Asbel Lhant and Cheria Barnes means another gathering of their unusual family. This promises to be a memorable day.

  • The Right Gift

    Once again seeking a wedding gift for a friend, Pascal embarks on an unorthodox project.

  • Lunch of the Gods

    Even on the run, Lambda did have one thing he enjoyed.

  • On Dreams

    Asbel's melancholy one day leads the party to a discussion on dreams.

  • A Humble Beginning

    One forgotten errand becomes an important day.