McManus D. Ninja

  • Naruto: The Jinchuuriki Mercenary

    On the night before his fifth birthday, Naruto and Kakashi find messages from his parents hidden in the Hokage's office. This will lead Naruto down a path that will not only make him one of the most mysterious ninjas in the world but also one of the most powerful. The path of the Mercenary. Rated M for Violence, Gore, Language, and possibly some lemons in the future.

  • Summoners of the Shattered Nexus

    When one of the summoners cannot contain the immense power of the Nexus shattering, the explosion of crystal sends shards hurtling across space and time...and into the World of Shinobi. How will this affect the fate of the inhabitants, and to be more specific, a certain blonde Jinchuuriki?

  • Namikaze Naruto, Son of Madalore

    Mandalore the Unrelenting's journey to an unexplored planet leads him to witness the final battle of the Yondaime and to the adoption of a new member of the Mandalorian race. Now 15 year later, his son Naruto returns to his planet of birth and the shinobi world will never be the same. NaruHarem. Violence, Language, Possible Citrus in later chapters.

  • Creating a Masterpiece

    After a long and boring council meeting, Arthur decides to spend some quality time with his queen. Their playful banter soon takes them to the bedchamber where they with create art like only they can... With love. Rated M for a reason. If you don't like this kind of thing, then read something else.

  • New Life for Atlantians: An ArthurxMera Lemon

    Aquaman and Mera have moved out of the palace of Atlantis to start a family on the surface and proceed to celebrate the new chapter of their lives the only way two Atlanians in love can. Rated M for a reason. Citrusy goodness a plenty.