
  • US (Part I)

    IT. IF Bruce and Dick had actual feelings for one another. UPDATED!

  • BE

    What IF everyone had gone through up and to the wedding? Damian is Ultimate Troll! For XXXHells Angel of deathXXX and Serisa Black. DUO series.

  • Omen

    'Do not picture your OTP having a kid and losing said kid in a ball pit.' I'm not! Well...maybe... WARNING: FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S!

  • Magic Midnight Grilled Cheese

    He awoke to the creak of the door. Supurbia-Fic! Staring: Gio and Zari because they're adorable!

  • OH

    "You can resume your attempts of dissolving your marriage in the morning Master Bruce. Get your tail end out there and enjoy the fireworks with you husband and son!" Companion piece to BE. Gift-Fic for ChibiFoxAI!


    When Leo gets a cold-his brothers have to make him rest. Good luck ya know!