
  • Scents

    Written for the Amortentia Competition by Coding Gengar. "You will write three drabbles around each smell and the pairing you chose."

  • The History of Evil Men

    If Gellert had known what faith would bring then maybe he would have done something different. He wanted to believe, sometimes, that he would have enjoyed the moments he shared with Albus more. But he knew, within the depth of his intelligent and cynical mind, that he wouldn't have. Because he wouldn't have been able to grasp the idea that Albus one day would not be in his life.

  • Sit Still and Eat Treats

    "I don't see the point of this." Gregory Goyle complained as he looked at the building in front of him. The word on the front meant nothing to him and he didn't understand why Crabbe was so stubborn about going there. "Do you even know what people do in the cinema?"

  • Penny Singh

    Penny Singh is a lot of things. She is a friend, a lover, she acts, she thinks, she feels, she is a sovereign defender, she is stubborn, she is powerful and just like everyone else she has had a life full of experiences which have made her into the person that she is today. [[Non-chronological, K for future stories, drabbles and one-shots]]

  • The Flower Chronicles

    Writing about the language of flowers got me interested in possibly writing more one-shots where that is, one, focus. Will contain a number of different pairings and genres.

  • The Butterfly Effect

    Within chaos theory the butterfly effect refers to the belief that even the smallest of events can lead to something great or something big. When applied to human beings, it can be said that the changes experienced by one individual can change the lives of many. The individual does not even have to create this change themselves. It can occur by pure chance.

  • Penny & Padfoot

    At the age of almost fourteen, Penny Singh could be said to be a number of things. She was, among other things, strong enough to make the best of the situation and she was too stubborn to let the hardships make her give up.

  • Random Stories

    Challenges/ Assignments / Competition - One Shots with various different characters.

  • The Toddler Chronicles

    "You're really cute, you know that, right?" Sirius didn't know if Harry laughed or if he even smiled on purpose but it sure looked like it. He leaned down to kiss the top of Harry's head and then leaned back onto the couch. "I love you kid." [Will contain stories/ moments with babies/ toddlers/ children].

  • The Marauder Tales

    "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." [[Drabbles about the Marauders]]

  • Friendship

    "It cannot be the worst thing that I have ever said, Majori. Remember when we talked about William after Fleur came back from England." Again, Cecille rolled her eyes while she conjured a few glasses out of thin air and began pouring the liquid. "Also, I read that an English writer once said that one should write drunk and edit sober." [[Drabbles about friendships]]

  • I'm Ready

    So much had changed over the last few years. People had turned out to be different than what she believed and she could honestly say that a lot of those changes had scared her. Hermione hadn't been ready for half of those changes. But this was different. Hermione nodded. She had never been more secure about anything in her entire life. "I'm ready."

  • Sisters

    "I wish you could come with me too." She whispered. "I'm sorry that you're not a witch. But please don't be mad at me, please don't hate me?" Petunia laughed through her tears. Hate Lily? What an idea. Petunia shook her head. "I could never hate you. You're my magic sister." [[Drabbles about the sisters in the fandom]]

  • Founding Moments

    They couldn't agree on the subjects they were supposed to be teaching, nor the kind of students they would accept or even what they would call the school. Most nights had ended with Godric yelling at someone, Rowena making smart remarks from behind a book, Salazar making cruel remarks without hiding and Helga would attempt to restore calm. [[Drabbles about the Founders]]

  • Mostly Different

    "Of course, we are," Fabian looked at his brother's reflection with a determined expression. "We will always be the same in some ways. You and me, we're twins. But that only means that look the same. We are not the same person no matter what some immature child says. You and I, we're…" Gideon smiled. "Mostly different?" "Yeah," Fabian nodded. "We're mostly different."

  • Brothers

    Drabbles about some of the brothers in the fandom specifically Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Fabian Prewett and Gideon Prewett.

  • You Know Me

    No one really knew Regulus Black and he was happy about that because he didn't want anyone to truly see him. Because at the end of the day, no one could ever understand the broken path which was going to be his life. James Potter was one of those who did see him, who fully understood him and knew who he was, and that was all Regulus needed. That was all he wanted.

  • My Love

    Hermione turned around and looked at him. She didn't know if it was the glimmer in his eyes or the genuine smile on his face but for some reason she decided not to ask anything about it even if her curiosity wanted answers. She was sure that she would get her answers eventually.

  • Why Not?

    No, Peter was going to fight for his life and he was going to fight for his friends. "Everyone is going to die at some point, right?" Peter asked as he mentally prepared to put his plan into action. "Why not now?"

  • The Butterfly Effect

    Human beings are flawed. They look at the world and often claim that things are out of their control. That is true. Some things are out of their control. But not everything. Some things are just within reach.