
  • A Power that the Dark Lord Knows Not

    "You're in a compartment with Severus on the Hogwarts Express when Remus comes in." The friendship of Lily Evans and Remus Lupin.

  • The Snake and the Eagle

    "They had always had a kind of sort-of-crush feeling hovering between them, but neither had acted upon it. But then it gets stronger, and stronger, and stronger, until one day, after her Transfiguration class, Rowena finds herself somehow trapped against the wall of the astronomy tower in Salazar's arms." Rowena Ravenclaw/Salazar Slytherin

  • Green and Grey

    "What is her name, Rowena?" The Head of Ravenclaw doesn't hesitate for a moment before answering. "Helena. Helena Ravenclaw." The birth of Helena Ravenclaw.

  • One Great Mystery

    There is only one great mystery. I keep searching for the answer desperately; tell me, tell me baby, tell me please- What did I ever do to make you fall for me? One Great Mystery by Lady Antebellum Lily/James songfic.

  • A Crescent Moon

    It's 1995, during the Second Wizarding War, and everyone thinks things can't get any worse. Voldemort is back, everyone is in danger once again, and the Order of the Phoenix has been forced to reconvene. But when a series of unfortunate events leads to Mundungus Fletcher shattering a time-turner, it seems that everyone is wrong... Next Generation Time Travel fan fiction.

  • The Persistence of Memory

    From when she was a child, she grew up hearing stories about the green-eyed, black-haired hero that had done what tens, perhaps hundreds of trained wizards hadn't been able to do and free the wizarding world from the grip of fear... Sitting in her drawing room at Grimmauld Place, Ginny Potter reflects on her life so far.