
  • Asperity

    "An asperity is an area on a fault that is stuck. The earthquake rupture usually begins at an asperity." - USGS Earthquake Glossary Kazakov's first warning came on a dreary Thursday, when the news showed a wanted picture for a woman he had long thought dead.

  • Parodies of Amestris

    Parodies of poems and songs in our world centered around Amestris and our favorite pipsqueak. Spoilers for Brotherhood/manga.

  • North American Tournament

    To better promote international harmony, there is a fourth school in the Triwizard Tournament: Liberty Institute for Magical Education. However, the magical society in the US and Canada is very different from Britain, and Britain is definitely not on top. Bashing of magical Britain in general. Goblet of Fire. Canon divergence. Rating is for language/mild violence. HHr and Fred/OC.

  • Galaxies Far, Far Away

    Hermione Granger was a nerd because Dan Granger was a nerd. It only made sense that Star Wars was regarded as mandatory viewing.

  • A Familiar Face

    The stories might be fictional, but the world of Avatar was real to them. Otherwise known as Hogwarts students watching ATLA.

  • As You Wish

    Hermione was a book girl, through and through. This is a somewhat AU version of HP, from Hermione's perspective and through the views of books. Little H/Hr at the end.

  • Ron's Story

    First of Story of my Life fics. Ron tells Rose a sobering tale. Spoilers through DH. Epilogue compliant.