Felicity Dream

  • Blurred, Faded Lines

    As a result of their repeated run-ins with Villains in real life, Class 1-A is assigned a revised semi-finals -a simulation game of Heroes vs. Villains. Supposedly a way to give them experience and preparation in a safe, moderated environment, and also a way to just let go and de-stress...Nedzu really just wanted Midoriya Izuku to unleash entertaining hell. Fem!Izu, Civil War AU.

  • Bring Me a Dream, Mr Sandman

    Midoriya Izuku is one helluva girl and a lot of people are starting to notice. Including some Pro-Heroes who find themselves utterly enamored and hope she'd save just a bit of herself for each of them. Fem!Izuku, Pro-HeroesxIzuku, romantic/platonic pairings.

  • The R&J Exchange

    Where James found himself with a penpal and writing back, and ended up with a strange kind of friendship that he was actually enjoying. If he found himself a Romeo, he supposed he could deal with being 'Juliet'. Connected to 'Team RAMEN', but can be read stand alone. IronRose pre-relationship, developing friendship over letters.

  • Don't Want to Touch You (But You're Under My Skin)

    Enji was fascinated with Izuku, especially after that confrontation in that corridor. She was curious and a bit enamored. If he was having a mid-life crisis, then he was doomed. She thought she was obviously going insane. The two of them are a mess together and apart, and everyone gets drawn into the line of fire. Fem!Izuku/EnDeku.

  • Family

    Atsushi continues to bond and connect with her newfound father, and slowly begins to be introduced and meet her new family. Francis just continues to support and be a good signficant other, while being dragged into the family matters himself. Agency and Guild antics included in that. Sequel to Father Figures, established FitzAtsu, Fem!Atsu.

  • Fall For Pretty Strangers

    Izuku had enough on her plate, entering UA with a new Quirk. But then Class 1-A get two handsome (but familiar!) students and suddenly she's a wreck trying to be her usual Quirk/Hero-obsessed self. A de-aged Endeavor and All Might are just rolling with things. Fem!IzukuxEnd/AM, future Dekubowl (Pro Hero style).

  • A Thorn Crown For the Rose Queen

    In that forest with Yang, Ruby's silver eyes activated too early and she finds herself traumatized after a long time of captivity. Years later, her precarious mind wonders if she'll ever be okay, all while trying to grow into herself. If only her Soulmates could tape herself back together, though they'd have to figure out that they are in the first place… Series Rewrite AU.

  • Her Song of Fire and Ice

    They say when Sansa Stark was born, she'd been touched by fire. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, but fire and ice seem to be in her blood. Maybe that's why her soul is damaged so much that she needed three Soulmates to hold her together? Depending on who's asked, Soulmates weren't the happily ever after of the stories Sansa hoped for, not with the men she's apparently bound to. AU.

  • Pinpricks of Humanity

    Ariana drops a kid onto Giovanni's lap, and somehow he's end up with babysitting Ash Ketchum. Yet, somehow the kid grows on him and maybe, just maybe, he might have a heart after all.

  • My Best to Be Everything You Need

    Felix went on a mission with Demetri. Simple. And then he met Henrietta "Harry" Potter, and suddenly everything is too complicated and he's falling for a human. He'd never wanted to be a human male until then. Felix/Fem!Harry

  • Il Silenzio Delle Stelle Cadenti

    In a fated meeting, Giovanni becomes quite taken with Henrietta Potter, which ensues in a chaotic chase as "Hades" takes after his "Persephone." But Harry has her own troubles, after the abandonment of the Wizarding World and lingering wounds, and won't let herself be taken so easily. Has the Rocket Boss taken on too much this time? Fem!Harry/Giovanni.

  • The Potter Diaries: Reading the 4th Champion

    The Champions and two Ministry judges are supposed to read brief summaries of the Champions' lives. Hogwarts forces a lockdown and gives them detailed books about the 4th champion instead. Crud, Harry didn't know everyone else would get to read them too! Fem!Harry (because I can); no CP excerpts from books.

  • Hiro: Prometheus Complex

    Hiro graduated high school at 13 and took 3 years to travel the world. At 16, she returns to San Fransokyo different. Older and wearier, how will this Hiro still end up being a hero when all she wants is to be left alone? She sought experience and found too much. Her brother wants to help and her boss wants to give her light. Can "Prometheus" live? Fem!Hiro AU, and remake of movie.

  • The Lion and The Lamb

    In a strange twist, Uther decided to have Merlin serve him as well. How does Merlin get around saving these two royal prats, when she's busy doing royal chores and getting exhausted saving them and doing their dirty laundry? She says nothing on how affectionate she oddly becomes of the King and the loyalty she develops for not only Arthur but Uther.

  • Like a Boss

    Giovanni gets de-aged and more doors are opened for him. And yet the first thing he chooses to do is harass Ash Ketchum. Ash is just WTF? Ah well, he'll coerce her to help take over the world with him somehow. Team Flare's a start and then the rest of the world. Fem!Ash/Giovanni, harassment of Team Flare and future Teams and others, and makeovers abound.

  • No Light, No Light

    Kyoko ends up in another drama, this time as leading lady and with both Tsuruga Ren and Kijima Hidehito as her co-stars. When tensions between them start echoing in real life, Kyoko doesn't know whether to stand her ground and act…or run screaming from both men.

  • Sundome

    When a deadly disease deteriorates her health, Ezra decides to live with a bang and make pets out of Valen Rudor and Agent Kallus. She just didn't expect to get attached and for them to start an almost vicious rivalry with each other, and then realize her illness is worse than she thought. Pet!Teacher!Valen/Sick!Fem!Ezra/Slave!(ish?)Kallus with lime-ish intentions.

  • Precious Doll in This Ugly World

    A female Ash wants to go on a pokemon journey, only to find out how dangerous it can really be. Rose-colored lens are smashed to pieces as she gets stuck facing human trafficking, the evils and desperation of humanity, and that there are gray areas for everything and everyone. Her unlikely saviors turn out to be the criminal Teams everyone warned her against...BurntLedgerShipping.

  • The Chronicles of E Bridger: Girl at War

    In the midst of making rebels out of Imperials, Ezra finds herself on the path of becoming a Jedi Sentinel that will help unify a rebellion and kickstart the Galactic Civil War. Starting with reclaiming Lothal, unlikely allies will make Ezra take a stand at the forefront and become a leader in a war she was born for. Fem!Ezra AU, remake of series, with Expanded Universe influences.

  • To Find Love

    Indef. Hiatus. To be rewritten. Harry is Voldemort's son. Harry has a new power that sort of goes by the concept oy yin and yang, he knows a bit of meds, and his life is hectic with his new father. And Harry is adopting Voldmort's habits, both new and old