

  • Dismantle Repair

    Living thirty feet apart from each other, Hermione and Draco learn that hands, like secrets, are the hardest things to keep from each other, especially when words and phrases, leave you clinging for more when everything else seems to have let you down.

  • Happy Hour

    Malfoys do not want, they do not pine, and they certainly do not miss former lovers. So why is this time any different. Sequel to "Last Call."

  • Beautiful, I Only Say that Word for You

    Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy have been best friends since their first ride on the Hogwarts Express. So why now is everyone insisting there is something more there when neither one are willing to open their eyes and see what really is there? One-Shot

  • Last Call

    Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic, she thought. Surely the brightest witch of her age would have known the rules of a "one night stand." One-shot.

  • More than a Last Name

    Rose Weasley is unlike anyone in her family, beyond the fact she is the sole Weasley not in Gryffindor. But it isn't until her seventh and final year at Hogwarts, and with the help of Scorpius Malfoy, that she realizes being different isn't so horrible.

  • The Truth About Life and Magic

    Draco Malfoy carries on the physical & emotional wounds from the War, a stranger to Cassandra Louis, a muggle living and working in the wizarding world. But what happens when one summer, chance causes the two to meet under the most unusual circumstances?