
  • My Hybrid

    this is set after new moon and in season 2. Klaus saved Bella from Victoria and they fell inlove and the story goes on from there

  • The Original Wife

    Bella has been Keeping a secret. She is a Vampire and also she is married to an original. With a few twists and turns and surprises will Edward win back bella or will she stay with KOL MIKEALSON I have started a PREQUEL for this so i hope you enjoy

  • Rosealinda Saphrina Deloca-Mikealson

    Rosalinda Deloca- Mikealson AKA. Isabella Marie Swan is actualy not in love with Edward Anthony Masen Cullen but Elijah Mikealson and also one of the first Vampires to egoist.When she gets a call from Rebekah asking her to come to new Orleans to visit her she also finds out her true love is in new Orleans she e was a supernatural beaign before a vampire she was a suductres

  • Cassidy Narsissa Malfoy

    what if bella was actually Cassidy Narsissa Malfoy Draco sister. set in GoF Should i do a PREQUEL or SEQUEL first?

  • Bella is Mitchie

    what if bella was mitchie?

  • The Original Wife Prequel

    *Prequel to The Origina Wife* Did you Ever wonder how Kol and Isabella Meet and what happened before forks well this is what you need

  • bella is lissa dragomire

    bella is lissa dragomir. Been Adopted by SakuraDragomir

  • My Hybrid Baby

    The Sequel to My Hybrid. Bella is now pregnant and they are in New orleans Sorry bad summary.