

  • In Your Life

    Life continues for Felicity & Oliver and the rest of Team Arrow. Things are going well, but secrets threaten to pull everyone's happiness apart. Picks up about five months after the final chapter of "In Truth".

  • FF21: I Never Knew Daylight Could Be So Violent

    Oliver and Diggle deal with Felicity being hospitalized and the looming threat. For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #21: Three Reasons. Sequel to FF#18: In Your Bright Blue Eyes FINAL Prompt!

  • FF20: Hidden Truths

    Oliver goes to Central City to pick up Felicity when she's too upset to drive herself home. For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #20: Truth or Dare.

  • In Between

    Sara/Diggle (DrivingCanary) moments that take place during "In Truth".

  • FF18: In Your Bright Blue Eyes

    Oliver struggles to keep Felicity safe and to figure out his emotions as far as Felicity is concerned. For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #18: Free Fall. Sequel to FF#8: No Light, No Light.

  • FF15: I'll Be

    Members of Team Arrow are injured and even hospitalized. Felicity and Oliver come to terms with what they both feel between them. For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #15: Bad Day, Good Night.

  • FF13: Don't Blink

    Felicity is kidnapped...it was Oliver's fault. For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #13: Silent as the Grave.

  • FF12: Partners

    Felicity and Oliver decides to do something normal together. For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #12: Whatever It Takes.

  • All That You Are

    The future is dark, grim, and in ruin. Felicity is trying to find a glimmer of hope in it all in order to keep going. To believe that everything is not lost and that all of their suffering wasn't for nothing.

  • Another Life

    Felicity Smoak made a decision three years ago. It was hard, but she did what she thought would keep the people in her life alive and safe. After all that time, she's not sure she can remain the content prisoner...

  • Paths

    Takes place five years after "The Climb". Oliver never returns after his duel with Ra's al Ghul and those who love him mourn his death, but move on with their lives. But five years later, Oliver returns to a very different city. Pairings: Raylicity (main), Olicity, Dyla, SmoaknLance, SpeedyArsenal

  • Without A

    There's an accident in the field and Tony loses his memory. Tony hasn't just lost his memory, but a good chunk of his life. It isn't just all that he overcame or being Iron Man...but that he can't remember his family.

  • Stay With Me

    Three years later, Team Arrow is still looking for Felicity. Told from a different POV per short chapter.

  • The Box

    Someone starts to go after the people who have helped the Arrow, threatening to kill them, but will it be the bad guys that kill them or each other...and will the Arrow save them in time?

  • Love's Sacrifice

    Felicity must make a sacrifice for the man she loves. Olicity & Raylicity

  • Ghosts

    Oliver experiences a past Christmas, time right before "The Climb", present Christmas(time), and a future one...trying to think about what's really worth living.

  • In Truth

    Malcolm Merlyn has returned to Starling City to regain his family...and he's determined to protect all of his children...including raising one from the dead. Olicity, Diggle/Sara (we like to call them Driving Canary), & Thea/Roy (we like to call them Speedy Arsenal)

  • FF19: All of Me

    Felicity and Oliver make choices about who they are and who they love. For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #19: That Night. Sequel to FF#16: Iris.

  • FF17: Never Let You Go

    Felicity's life is in danger. Prequel to "FF#16: Iris". For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #17: Impulses.

  • FF16: Iris

    Technically AU and slightly future. Life is different when Felicity no longer is a part of Team Arrow. For SmoaknArrow's Olicity Flash Fiction Prompt #16: Detour.