
  • Fallout: Requiem

    A Phoenix born of fire rent by a world of death, a fitting betrayal of a natural birthright. Five young Pre-War citizens find themselves caught in the machinations of a long dead senator. Forced to uphold a bygone American dream with nothing but each other to lean on, they face the Wastelands of New York to find any semblance of home.

  • Rerenhaw Chronicles (REWRITING CHAPTERS 1-8)

    Hello, welcome to the Rearenhaw Recruitment Center. We are the spearhead of Project Hornet's Nest, our tip of the spear is the Dimensional Traveler, Desmond Butler. Not only did he fight in the Paradoxical Wars, and fight against the infamous Harald, he is also the founder of the RRC. Anyone want to see some of his famous and publicly favorite recruitments? Of course follow me.