

  • You've Done Some Truly Terrible Things

    Severus Snape survived the war. With that, he finds that he's suddenly a hero and still has several responsibilities such as continuing to be the headmaster of Hogwarts school all whilst dealing with his new injuries and emotions. AU. Non canon compliant.

  • An Unhappy Assignment

    Snape may have resisted Dumbledore's orders but has never yet defied one. This time is no different. Fluff

  • A View to a Death Eater

    Severus Snape is beginning his journey towards becoming a Death Eater. With Lily no longer wanting to be friends, Snape decides it's time to change other things along the way in order to fulfill his quest.

  • The Fifth Year That Is

    James Potter is currently in his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. During his time, he has made some unexpected friends. In fact, his best friend is the last person you'd expect. Certainly the last people their fathers expected.

  • The Emotion Revelation

    Sheldon has been hiding his true feelings for a long time. When Leonard and Penny get engaged he doesn't know how to cope. Shamy/Lenny leading to eventual Sheldon/Lenny.

  • An Unusual Conversation

    Hermione is upset about Ron's new relationship. She ends up talking to a somewhat unlikely Professor about it, Snape.