Shakespeare's Lemonade

  • The One I'm Fighting For

    Sam died finishing the trials. Dean's last act before he joins his brother is going to be rescuing a fallen angel, but when he finds Castiel just as broken as he is and in need of help, death has to wait, and in the meantime, Dean might find another reason to live. Warnings: major character death, suicidal thoughts, no pairings, AU of season 9. COMPLETE.

  • I'll Protect You

    Meg shows up at the convenience store, intent on keeping a promise. Set after 9.06, AU, Megstiel, oneshot.

  • Family of Blood

    After dealing with Metatron and the Mark of Cain, the boys face a new problem: vampires. The Alpha is attempting to rebuild his empire, and he has his sights set on one who was once his. But Dean isn't about to go down easy, and he's got more help than even he realizes. Still, it may not be enough to save him and everyone he cares about. AU of season 9 finale. COMPLETE!

  • Hymn for the Missing

    Oliver returns to Starling City with no memory of the past eight years except for Malcolm Merlyn rescuing him in the mountains. As he tries to remember who he is, he gets different stories from all sides and questions who he can really trust and who he became in all that time. Takes place after 3.09. Olicity.

  • Two Things

    Oliver can't be two people at once. Felicity understands. Tag to 3.12.

  • Loneliness and Solitude

    It's a realization that shouldn't be sudden. He's lonely. He falls in love. He gets too close. He backs out. He lets go. It's a well documented pattern with Oliver Queen; Felicity just got to experience the process a little faster than most. She's angry, and she's sad, but mostly, she's sorry he thinks he has to live like this. And she's about to suffocate. Literally. Oneshot.

  • Dirty Words

    She has the word "mudblood" tattooed on the inside of her left forearm. In her mind, it's a badge of honor. Oneshot. Rated for some language and bullying. No pairings.

  • Between Friends

    While riding in the woods, Merlin and Gwaine are attacked by bandits, and Gwaine is mortally wounded. Merlin is forced to choose between trusting Gwaine with his secret or losing his best friend forever. Oneshot. Set in the interlude between seasons 4 and 5.

  • Empty Chairs at Empty Tables

    Everyone he's lost stays with him, like phantom shadows on the wall. Oneshot.

  • Sorry

    "I'm sorry," Dean says to the door. Tag to 9x14.

  • Return

    Sam feels like throwing something in frustration, but because he's in a moving car, he settles for upping the volume. "It's not our job to fix everything!" Cas remains calm, though there's a new edge to his voice. "I don't think Dean understands that." He pauses pensively. "I'm not sure I do either." Tag to 9x10. Oneshot.