
  • Bodies Electric

    They had both heard the breathless babble of a foreign language, and neither could make any sense of it. Katie Bell/Oliver Wood. Drabble. Lemon-scented.

  • Passing the Time

    Josephine March never knows quite how to answer this question when it surfaces. Baby drabble. Jo/Fritz. T for things which are a little more than implied

  • When You Give a Grouch a Bear Hug

    ...And other arduous attempts at cuddling with Bernard. Series of fluffy companion drabbles to Woes of the Eternally Bored. Bernard/OC. Read and review!

  • Dancing Naked in Dobby's Tea Cozy

    In the midst of misery, with a dead brother, a broken family, and a head full of guilt, Percy Weasley never expected to fall in love. Particularly not with that strange, slightly-too-familiar Muggle, Audrey... A fiction about a romance we as a fandom know nothing about. Post DH, before Epilogue.

  • When Words Fail

    He's James Potter, and he walks the halls a considerate egotist, and he defies description. JPLE oneshot. Some foul language.

  • Blue Lips, Blue Veins

    He's all heat and burning and painful innocence, and you are all calculation and desperation and a misplaced hatred that smells like lust. JPLE ONESHOT

  • Oh My God

    His fingers tap out a rapid thump, thump, thump on your prickling skin or maybe it's just the banging of your gunmetal heart, the one which is going faster faster faster faster as you push into and pull against each other. HPGW ONESHOT

  • Geek USA

    You have a conviction that the two of you could be art. You are only a face and a name, but her hair swings and pulls around the burning white of her throat as she runs and you want to be entangled in her glory. JPLE Oneshot

  • Aching Souls

    "Lily…Lily, let's do something insane." Her head turns, and the jagged silhouette of her cheek against the cold diamond night shatters. "Like what?" You lean in, your breath wild and hard and loose as her fluttering hair. "Let's get married."

  • And it's Contagious

    There's something wild and utopian about you today, and it's contagious. JPLE Oneshot. Post Marriage.

  • Something Lovely

    But she likes him, and even though it's hopeless she takes his hand, squeezing it as she says, like a child: "Tell me something lovely." JPLE drabble

  • On Stupid Holidays

    In which Sharp makes Valentines plans with the best of intentions. Fluffed out. COMPANION PIECE TO WOES OF THE ETERNALLY BORED. Will not make sense otherwise. Bernard/OC.

  • Such Selfish Prayers

    I have asked you for many things, Tom Riddle, but the one thing I never wanted was forgiveness. (Surely we both know better than that now.) Bellatrix L./Tom Riddle. Slight AU.

  • National Anthem

    It is so hot and you are everywhere and God you are so handsome. Drabble, Janet/Brad

  • Roaring Blurs

    You had a Seeker-look in your eyes and you kissed me and I thought I'd fallen through a goal hoop. Katie Bell/Oliver Wood. Drabble.

  • Yes, Tom, No, Tom

    You're a snake in every sense of the word—hypnotic, cool, jewel-like. Sly. But I am a lion and sometimes the lion lies in wait, teeth hidden, claws sheathed, then— A smile bubbles out of my mouth, onto my cheeks, and you nod approvingly. "That's it. Smile for me. Don't let's quarrel." "No, Tom." Ginny/Tom. Dark. Slight AU.

  • Rust and Stardust

    The point is that you're muddy blooded and it's hot in here and you're sitting in front of me and I think I hate you. DMHG Twoshot.

  • Beast of a Burden

    why, why, why did it have to be him, the boy with the too big hands and the eyes green like avarice was supposed to be. Why did it have to be him, the boy holding, hefting the world on his back with too many bones? HPGW Drabble.

  • Can't Can't Can't

    But he can't die. He can't die. You clutch at the wood of his crib until the joints in your fingers ache and let mascara slide spider legs down your taut, taut cheeks. Something in your head is screaming. ONESHOT.

  • While Earth Orbits Mars

    But there's Mars in his mouth and when he tells you he loves you your head hurts and incredulity trickles like sweat down your back, along your cleavage. HPGW ONESHOT. Experimental, inspired by Queen Nightingale's Astronaut Boots but not nearly as good. Read and review.