
  • See Through Me

    Hikari always believed that she was ignored and that nobody ever even spared a thought on her... But what if she was wrong? What if someone really did care?

  • A Hectic Valentines Day

    Valentines Day is the same as usual, at Marukawa Shoten. The editors rushing about to collect the manuscripts for special editions and sending it to the printers. Onodera has forgotten about the holiday but his Saga-kun has quite a few tricks up his sleeve...

  • Passion Derived from Love

    Shards of memories and chains of imprisonment... Catelyn Evans is shocked to find her sister on a blank sheet of ice after having been assigned on another Hunter mission. What's even more strange is that her sister can't remember a thing, except who she is and who her sister is... What could have possibly happened? And what shadows lurk within the dark?

  • Roses and their Thorns

    A couple of cute and possibly fluffy one-shot pairings involving ZeroXOC and KanameXOC pairings. You may request a theme for me to write on if you want However I'm sticking to the exact pairings no matter what! Dedicated to my inspiration, my sister Lara

  • Hybrid Romantica

    Akihiko, Kamijou and Miyagi have been living normal lives until now... "The Hybrid Child is neither human nor robot but gains the ability to grow through the affection and care given to it." Either through chance or fate, they each receive three separate dolls who are a part of the last series, the only HCs that exist in the world.

  • Collision

    With Mutou-sensei's unexpected retirement, Ritsu gains a new mangaka. One who goes under the alias of Akikawa Yayoi who is famous for BL Novels... The problem is, Ritsu didn't know that before he accepted. To top it all off, he discovers the dark secrets of his fellow editors and FINALLY begins to accept Masamune as something more than just a boss... Includes Junjou couples too!

  • Breaking Down The Walls

    Rose has never been able to live a normal life. She was born with pure-white hair and crimson eyes but now, Ebola. Having only a few more years to live, she wishes for but one thing. To meet the person who was once so important to her, and if possible... Become his one and only once again... DISCONTINUED and being remade

  • Some Time Alone

    Emily's been waiting up for a long time, waiting for her husband to get back. Therefore, you can't blame her for deciding to take a soak in the hot-tub. What she doesn't realize that it'll actually lead to an unforgettable night with Zero...

  • A Crimson Sin

    Waiting up for Kaname was rather tiring and his wife soon found herself about to drift off to sleep. On hearing those familiar footsteps, she runs up to him after the long and weary day. However, what she didn't expect? Lust and Thirst... A Crimson Sin

  • Affection

    Imagine the pain Alice would've felt when she realized that all of Jack's affection was false? Her thoughts on being left behind and being shattered... Slight JackXAliceXWill of Abyss but not really hinted at that...