
  • Zeroes and Ones

    AU. Zeroes and ones, that's the coding for the Digital World. It was similar to a computer program, something Izzy knows a lot about. So when he tries to get it back, what went wrong? [Entry for the "Lego Cabin" Challenge]

  • Of the Eight of Us

    [Canon compliant drabble series] We, the Tamers, love our partners and almost every minute of our jobs. Listen our various tales of silliness and angst.

  • Let Us Eat Cake

    Tommy always wanted to go on an adventure like the ones the TV taunted him with, and yet, they were impossible. Until he decided to make his own.

  • Little Goals

    [EToP 'verse] Why couldn't he just stay and dream with May?

  • Fire's Spirit

    [Collection] "When I returned from the Digital World, the only thing I had left were my memories. But the Spirit of Fire still lives on, in my heart and in my memory."

  • Tales of Past

    "Come young Mikey. Hear the tales of past DigiDestined," [Fusion, hint of Adventures 1 and 2, Tamers, and Frontier]

  • Together We'll Paint it Black and Blue

    [Ficlet collection] The Fire of Pallet destroyed his sanity. Instead of being a insane good guy, he chose to join the darker side, to paint it black, so she can paint it blue.

  • It Begins with an L

    "It begins with an 'L' and it describes you." Only, Ash can't seem to figure what the answer to Dawn's riddle is. [Pearlshipping. Happy late birthday, Nozomi! :D]

  • Intriguing

    Conway was always interested in many things, even to the point where he applied a rule so that he doesn't get too confused by what he was interested in. And yet, someone broke that rule. -Onesided/implied HeatTagshipping

  • Opposites' Ramble

    She was rescued by him, and the unexpected happened. First fic in the 28 Days of Love Challenge. One shot. Ikarishipping

  • Unfair Lost

    Shark's thoughts while he was being disqualified in one of the most important duels of his life. /One-shot

  • Brotherly Love

    [Collection] "The day we returned from the Digital World was easily one of the best days of both of our lives. And we're going to spend the rest of this time together."

  • Of Quotes and Ambitions

    [Collection] The quotes fit them so perfectly, even if not at first glance.

  • To be a Friend

    He had lied, thinking that he hurt everyone. -Drabble, Frontier based

  • Meet Me Somewhere

    Somehow, meet me at the park turned into find me in the streets. And there's still that confusion as to whether this is a date. [Hinted TakatoxJeri, for Jenrukiforevz]

  • This is Us

    This is who we are. This is what we do. Now, do you want to see? [Various characters in various situations, AU or canon.] Currently: Silver couldn't change who he was, because then that'll break everything about him. Or will it?

  • My Wish

    She had seen deaths of her fellow Puella Magi. Despite the fact that she saw it, Madoka wants to become a Puella Magi, to save. -One shot

  • Melodies

    Anger, torture, death... any type of negative experience provokes the indescribable melody of a Pokemon; one that starts out beautifully and ends horribly. However, only one person can hear these melodies - a sickly boy whose family forbids him from making contact with these creatures.

  • Numeral Pursuit

    [AT] They were rare XYZ cards, never heard of until one boy opened the lock. Despite this, 'Number Hunters' now seek out to collect these rare cards for their own intentions. Whether its good or bad depends on the person, and whether they'll be stopped depends on Yuma's abilities.

  • Repetition

    [Our War Game] It was an endless cycle. Defeat it once and you'll have to defeat it again. Doubt yourself once and you'll eventually doubt yourself again.