Jupiter Queen

  • Triplicity

    To Jonesy's despair, Nikki puts a threesome on the table. (One-shot.)

  • kiss with a fist

    No matter how much they love each other, Jonesy and Nikki always find time to sass each other. (A dialogue-heavy drabble.)

  • homecoming

    "Their lack of words created a silence made of fragile glass. It wasn't the kind made for friends and lovers to share."

  • after hours

    Workdays at the Khaki Barn were stressful, but Jonesy was perfect for de-stressing after hours.

  • slow dance and we turn

    In which a slow dance spins into curiosity. (One-shot. Set during the season four episode "Role Reversal.")

  • in bloom

    Nikki woke up in an instant, knowing she'd never sleep again. Ever.

  • promises

    "Trust me, Jonesy—by the time I'm through with you, you'll be struggling to write your name." (One-shot.)

  • Rationalized

    It all started with a baby picture. (One-shot.)

  • You Bring Me Joy

    All it took was some bubbles to fix her broken heart. (One-shot.)

  • little dreams

    Her knight in shining armor had a thing for riding skateboards.

  • long ago

    If she could live in these moments again—the best moments of her youth—she would. She would do it all again.

  • You're (Not) the One

    One accidental make-out; two people with sudden feelings. One misunderstanding; two people who may have to deal with more than just a milestone. And then there's "The One." (Based off "Great Expectations" from Season 4.) [Being edited for grammar, spelling, and other mistakes.]

  • what history has given me

    All her life, Nikki had been told who to be, but she didn't need to be told anything. She stopped listening.

  • Telephone You

    "It was another late night of conversations and provocation. Another night they spent by burning the battery life of their phones. Another night of endless smiling and stupid humor. Another night for Jonesy to lose all shame and ask whatever he pleased."

  • Take My Hand

    ...Or perhaps steal a kiss. (Post-"Snow Job." One-shot.)

  • Deconstructed

    It all ended with The Breakfast Club. (Sequel to "Rationalized." One-shot.)

  • See Us Run

    A series of writings in which the gang begins to explore the identity of self, love, and other things.

  • doing it

    Jude wants a spontaneous night of fun, but Jen needs some convincing. (A drabble with suggestive humor.)

  • Forget the Fairytales

    Caitlin needed to know what real love was before she could claim it for herself. (One-shot.)

  • yours, mine, whatever

    In which Nikki discovers some unlikely perks of intimacy. (One-shot.)