

  • Prayer

    Post Series' Finale: Sam hasn't prayed for years. Being a father, however, makes him wish from support from above.

  • Last Christmas

    ... Jamie asked Eddie out for ice skating. Now winter's almost over, and they still haven't had their date.

  • Falling apart

    Some roads are too dark to find the way back home.

  • Vassall of Rome

    Tags to various episodes of season three, all about Micheletto.

  • Missing you

    Severide comes into what once was home. And realizes it will never be again. Not without Shay.

  • Just once

    Extended scene from the series' finale: He is a Borgia, he does not ask for forgiveness. Never but this time. Nobody but this man.

  • Every step you take

    ...through darkness and pain, will bring you closer to who you're meant to be. Will bring you closer to the one person who completes you, who makes you better than you thought you could be. Jamie had always believed that - and it had come true. He was a cop, a husband, would soon be a father. Fluff&Angst, you've been warned.

  • What remains through the winds

    Complementary part to "2,000 years" but can be read alone as well - in the realm of death, Milo muses about his life, especially in his last days.

  • Something more

    post 1x12 (Under the Knife) - He fought for her to come back home to him, and now he's the one leaving... to Madrid. Shayveride moment, no slash!

  • Questions that remain

    It's been two weeks and still Jamie finds himself at the Bitter End every night.

  • Path of broken days

    Set directly after the epilogue of "Allegiant" - some days don't suck. Many do. Still, they have to move on.

  • Over

    Tag to "Le Grand Guignol" (1x15). Rebekah is tired of running. Elijah will never tire of protecting her.

  • The life we didn't choose

    „Shut up or I'll put you both in the trunk!" Hearing his words, Jamie wondered what his mother might say to him now – and how he could have ended with two women bitching around and a third one bleeding to death behind him.

  • Good

    Eliot is ready to go... but not until he knows Hardison won't come with him. Tag to the middle of The Long Goodbye Job.

  • In between the seasons

    "Dark wings, dark words", it is said in the North, and there are enough dark words to be told. And light words, and loving words, and dying words. Collection of letters all through Westeros.

  • T is for us

    ""You need to let go." My mother's voice is gentle but firm, and I know I should... but I can't leave him. I can't." Memories of Tris as she prepares to leave for the world of death.

  • Before daylight

    It is time to let go. (Spoiler for Allegiant)

  • A name

    Post Mhysa: There is a secret Jon fears to tell his sworn brothers, but can't keep silent about it either. So he writes a letter to the only friend he has south of the wall - the Imp.

  • 2,000 years

    The ashes have fallen. In the land of the dead, Cassia reflects the last days of her life.

  • Ashes to Ashes

    Last moments on the run to nowhere.