Sabere Commander

  • Humphrey the Legendary Super Wolf

    What happens when an old legend awakens? What happens when Kate drives Humphrey out the pack with something she does? More importantly what does the legend have to do with Humphrey? Read how Humphrey finds out a sad truth that allows him to ascend to become Super Wolf. Along the way he'll find new love too and will hone his powers to defend the ones he loves most against pure evil.

  • Assassin's Creed: Defying the Beasts Continued

    Why do Templars and Assassins hate each other? It's simple really... To the naked eye they looked normal, but to an trained expert? One would see werewolves and vampires... Altair, famous/stoic 12th century assassin, finally finds a love interest... One problem... She's one of his kinds greatest enemies... a werewolf... *Christian Knight's abandoned story: "AC: Defying the Beasts"

  • Umbrella: Sabere Division

    Sabere Team was sent in to ensure the safety of both HUNK and Wolf Pack; but after completing their objectives they find out they too are left t die when Umbrella no longer cares about their well being. Now in order for these Elites to survive and make it out they must team up with a group of rookies and an old friend of theirs... Also OCxHunk and LupoxOCxParty Girl

  • The Last Super Saiyen

    Zero, a regular trouble maker, is sent to Yokai Academy by his dad after having enough of his antics. Though the hot head is bound to get into a bunch of fights as he begins to realize there's more to Yokai Academy then their seems! How will he feel when he realizes he's not insane and he really is in a school for monsters? (Resumed)

  • Never Forgotten

    *Rewrite to Twist of Fate* Humphrey is captured and taken away. He's faced with two options, return or stay, but will his strange dreams be the key to unlocking his inigma of a past? Humphrey is not who we think he is and just maybe his past should have never been discovered... [Hiatus]

  • Dragon's Wrath

    Goku had escaped planet Namek; but and accident occurs and Goku winds up in the RvB Universe. He gets saved by the Freelancers, but somethings weird! The women are attracted to him... a lot... Goku must now figure out how to get home or remained stuck there with Freelancer girls constantly ogling him!... [Rated M for smut, violence, and harsh language in later chapters.]

  • The Hell Spawn of Yokai Academy

    Zane Rider the most recent and 'True Ghost Rider' has found his way to Yokai academy after literally traveling to Japan thanks to Ghost. Now he will try his best to hold the Ghost with in him self as he fights so many creatures reeking with sins. Will he be able to maintain his sanity? Or will the ghost slip through and reek havoc on the school?...

  • Alpha and Omega A Twist of Fate

    In this suspense builder Humphrey is taken to Saw Tooth alone were he'll face many problems. Along the way Kate realizes she has feelings for Humphrey. But after the incident at the moonlight howl will Humphrey be able to forgive her and will he return to Jasper in one piece? What will happen once he has returned? Find out by reading "A Twist of Fate"!

  • Call of Duty: Omega Warfare

    Spoof of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2! Humphrey is recruited to T.F. 141 just as his relationship really gets any where with Kate. Now find out if he'll survive without his friends and how everyone else will fare with out him! Along the way he'll meet some interesting wolves. One of which, who wears a half skull mask, will become his best friend. But Shepard's got other plans...

  • CoD Ghosts: Phantoms of War

    We always had the power... Not anymore... Alliances... Broken... Lives... Lost... Soldiers... Stand against their enemies... Ghosts?... We haunt them... We didn't start this war... But we're gonna end it... We're Ghosts... Fighting for something that can't be killed... All we have us each other... and now... Now it's time... to earn the mask...

  • Creepy Pasta Hunter

    What happens when a creature, more evil than anything else wakes up in the Creepy Pasta realm? What happens when it sets it's sites on the Slender Woods ad Mansion to catch it's prey? What if it's prey is anything and everything? Even... monsters... Monsters will die, you will cry, and in te end... only the strongest survive this horrific phenomena... M for language...

  • Nothing's Forever

    Humphrey leaves Jasper not being able to be around his life long love while she is married to another wolf. Humphrey catches a strange train and ends up in a strange place. How will he coupe with this? What dangers does are young hero face in "The Forest of the Damned"? Will he be able to get in one piece? well it all depends on if I get enough reviews! Lol Just read it to know!

  • Previews 1

    This story is not a real story. It's previews of upcoming stories. Hince the title. It's classified based on how many stories of what kind are in it. Since most previews are about Alpha and Omega stories that'll be this story's classification. Hope you enjoy the previews...

  • The Forgotten

    This story outlines how a ghost squad is sent to stop a "Federation" assault threw Canada however when every thing goes wrong will the leader have what it takes to pull threw and save the day or will he fall, along with many of his brothers, to the Federation? Well the real question is... do you believe in Ghost stories?. [Undergoing Rewrite/New name:C.o.D. Ghosts: Phantoms of War]