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  • Pregnancy test

    Magnus is having mixed feelings about stating a family with Alec. Is he ready for this child?

  • Teen Dad

    Alec struggles in his new life as a teenage father. How is Clary coping and what will become of their new born son?

  • A night of wonders

    Alec has whisked Clary away for a night of adventure and a once in a life time experience. But will Clary enjoy his surprise after all he has been working on it for days and has poured his heart and soul into making this dream come true.

  • Studying is Hell

    Becoming a Shadowhunter isn't easy. It's not all about fighting and being badass, you have to know your Demonology too. Clary's trying hard to concentrate, but Jace is a rather distracting asset...

  • Shadowhunter Vs Spider

    Clary may be a fearless shadowhunter but she would always be terrified of one thing...spiders! However she always knows she can rely on Jace to protect her from these eight-legged monsters and comfort her when this fear threatens to overcome her

  • Llamas and love

    Alec's romantic ventures in Peru end with a surprising discovery of why Magnus really was banned from Peru

  • A tea party fit for a demon slaying teenager

    Alec and Clary revisit their childhood and have a little tea party. Over a steaming cup of tea Clary discovers her true feelings for Alec...

  • Tents and sleeping bags

    Alec is excited to finally go camping with Jace and their friend Derek but things start to go wrong. One thing after another and disaster is not too far behind

  • Bath time

    Jace needs to clean up after a hunt and Clary comes to join him in the bath...

  • Wallpaper

    Magnus insists on decorating Alec's bedroom but how will things proceed.

  • The Kidnapping

    Is there ever a moment to relax in Clary Fray's life? The answer is no! Clary has been taken by her mortal enemy, how will she escape the kidnapper? Will she survive...

  • Secrets

    Clary never felt the need to hide anything from Jace before but one thing leads to another and the secrets start to build up. How will their relationship survive this?

  • Dying to fight

    Jace and the gang are limbering up for a deadly battle against the demons. Alec knows Jace would sacrifice everything for him and knows he regards Alec's life much more highly than his own, how will Alec react in the final good bye?

  • The ones that came before

    Clary and Jace go and visit a shadowhunter museum on their day off. They find out some pretty interesting facts about Jace's ancestry and the shadowhunters of the past.

  • Can she be saved

    It looks like Valentines poison has finally infected Clary. She has become psychotic and dangerous but can she be saved? If there's one person who can help Clary its Jace, she wouldn't hurt him...

  • Adventure, my dear

    After a long training session Clace set out for a romantic stroll in the park but nothing is ever that simple with them, soon they are intercepted and forced into a duel of life or death.

  • Haunted House

    The institute had always been a little creepy for Clary with the secret rooms and more than one skeleton in the closet. She was adamant that the place was haunted but the others were having none of it. She knew if she were to convince them she'd need proof but will she regret what she finds?