A few days after the whirlwind of events of Psychonauts 2, Razputin receives his first mission as a Junior Psychonaut: go into the mind of the recently-re-captured Caligosto Loboto and make sure he's ready to be released… and if not, well… go from there. But it shouldn't be that hard, right? Loboto's all better now that his moral compass is back… isn't he?
Oneshot. During their mission in the Rhombus of Ruin, Oleander risks swimming through the dangerous parallelogram in order to rescue Raz. But when he arrives, he decides to make a change of plan.
Loboto was a tad on the unstable side, to put it mildly. It was part of why Oleander had hired him in the first place–no morals meant he had no qualms with anything Oleander would ask him to do. But that instability also meant unpredictability… and nothing could prepare Oleander for what he would encounter at their next meeting.
What Oleander had done was inexcusable—unthinkable. In any other organization, he would have been immediately dismissed and handed straight to the police. But the Psychonauts weren't just any organization. Rather than cast him aside, they would go into Oleander's mental worlds themselves to see if he was truly safe to keep around, and if not, to help him find his way again.
Zim is planning to unleash something awful at skool tomorrow, but Dib is ready for it! What he's not ready for is waking up with a vicious flu bug...
In a desperate attempt to escape being punished by GLaDOS, Wheatley begs for a job, but the job he gets isn't exactly what he was expecting. Now he must survive an unknown number of nights at a part of Aperture that has, for many years, lied dormant. But its inhabitants have been waiting...
She had to do something to get her mind off the pain.
AU. Wheatley is saved from exile in space at the cost of his eyesight. The blinded core must now work together with a certain mute test subject to survive in the outside word, but figuring out how to communicate isn't their only problem.