Igenlode Wordsmith

  • With the Best Intentions

    Max acts to forestall the final shot. AU, written for the WA Narrative Voices Challenge.

  • High City on a Hill

    Raoul was bound to recognise Christine when once he heard her sing. But things have changed... for both of them.

  • Lost and Found

    She was a stray on the street who gave him her whole heart. It was in his nature to be kind. And now that will have to be enough... Éponine returns to the barricade in the knowledge that Marius does not love her: stage canon.

  • The Paths of the Living

    Struggling to survive after the fall of Atlanta, Scarlett saw Charles Hamilton again. But he wasn't the one she wanted to see...

  • Blue Remembered Hills

    On Newparis, planet of masks, a mysterious underground genius strikes terror into the corrupt Terran Federation... but when a young Federation officer falls for a member of the resistance and outsiders get involved, old allegiances shift. Leroux characters in AU space opera.

  • All the Rules Rearranged

    "Tell her. If you love her, tell her... For if you do not, I will - and take the consequences." Desperation in Christine's dressing-room spills out truths that change everything. But shattered lives can find something in common...

  • Half a Savage

    When Blake and his crew arrive on the planet Horizon, they find it a Federation colony; but how did the coming of the Federation, twenty years earlier, affect those who lived there? The story of Ro and his planet; of friendship, politics and betrayal.

  • Count Philippe Takes a Hand

    If the Viscount isn't prepared to set his relationship with Christine Daaé on a more appropriate footing, then the Count will just have to do it for him... Much embarrassment ensues. Rated T for suggestive language and situations.

  • Teach Me to Live

    Tormented by grief and lost chances, Raoul de Chagny makes the weary journey homewards with his wife's body to the final legacy of their life together.

  • A Year in Shorthand

    "You too can learn shorthand in a year" was the promise: but for a girl in Gwen Dawson's position, it wasn't that easy... Vignettes from before the start of Series 1 up to Episode 3, as Gwen tries to keep her secret and realise her ambitions against the odds.

  • To Ease Your Troubled Mind

    "I've got a mind to pack and go - never you mind the debts we owe!" What if Christine and Raoul really had taken up his angry suggestion that first night, and walked out of the hotel to go back to Paris without the money? Their marriage still has its problems...

  • Water-horse

    Professor Snape attempts to create an antidote to the Imperius Curse against Dumbledore's express orders to the contrary, and discovers that the blood of a water-horse is a very dangerous Potions ingredient. Set during Book 2 and featuring Snape and McGonagall, plus cameos by Professor Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody and Harry Potter himself... Rated T for psychological horror/angst.

  • Through Older Eyes

    Just what did happen at the top of the Astronomy Tower on that fateful night? What went wrong... and who fooled whom? This story tells the events at the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from another point of view: Dumbledore's own.