Annabel Lynn

  • Underneath It All

    Locked underground with people you know and others you don't. Promised a good time, but suddenly turns disastrous. Watch as each individual goes through more than a broken heart or the next days hangover, dealing w/ the death of a close friend or someone you just met. Would you end it for yourself? Or would you find hope that seems to be decreasing with every breathe you take? AU!

  • Glory and Gore

    The house of Slytherin, a prestigious house filled with cunning,wealthy,& manipulative students finding a way to rise to power. Follow the lives, drama, love, heartbreak,& lies of the few who already rule over the house & know they will succeed when they leave Hogwarts. They may have alot handed to them, but not everything; watch them fight for it as evil brews in the background.

  • Dust Me Off

    "That is my egg! I demand that you give it back!" He did nothing as I yelled, but send me a cocky grin that made butterflies erupt in my stomach. I struggled to push them down and hold my glare."Hmmm, I think I'll keep it, Pearl." And walked away. That was the day I met William Weasley, though I didn't know it yet, nor did I know what an impact he would have on the rest of my life.