

  • Taken Out-take Carlisle POV

    Carlisle's POV of events covered in chapters 42-47 of Taken. What would you do to keep those you loved safe and out of harm's way? Would you do whatever it took, even it if meant losing your own life at the hands of your son to save them from a madman? Written for Fandom For Christy

  • Karma Killer - CPOV - Outtake

    CPOV out-take fromKarma Killer. Esme and Carlisle head out of town for a romantic night away, leaving Edward home alone after the fateful Winter Formal Dance where his world imploded. How will Carlisle react when he gets the call every parent dreads? Written for Fandom For LLS

  • Torn Apart

    Edward finds himself at the mercy of a stranger after waking up with no memory of how he got there. Will he remember the love of his life, or will the spell the mysterious stranger has cast on him make him forget? **Slash Pairing** Edwards POV of Never Tear Us Apart. Winner of Slash Writers Workshop Halloween 2012 Competition.

  • The Hitchhiker

    Stranded in the cold with a broken down car and a dead cell phone, Edward takes up the offer of a ride with a sexy stranger. Once inside, he begins to question his. Will he give in to temptation? M/M