
  • Phantom Summer

    Marley Merrin was accepted into her all time favorite drum corps, Phantom Regiment! This is the story of her first summer, with friends, romance, and of course music.

  • Never Alone

    Scarlett Wilde has lived her whole life in one town, which is not in Washington. When her mom forces her to move she becomes close with her cousin and his friends. But Scarlett isn't the easiest to get along with, even when you're her imprint.

  • Looking For Some Freedom

    Ri (pronounced Ree) has been stuck in a hospital for quite some time. Someone opens their home to her, and from that she meets a boy who will change her life.

  • You'll Always be mine

    A little story that takes place at the beginning of HBP

  • The Only Secret I Shall Keep

    Ruthie Miller has been Embry's best friend forever. They know everything about each other, or so they think.

  • All Roads Lead To Home

    Evangelina Spinner is a daughter of Mars. She's a spunky and quick witted teenager who can conquer anything... Except love!