• Get These Strings Off Me!

    Why does Ultron always brag that he has no strings? Could it have something to do with a traumatic past? Does Ultron have a sob-story? Crack-fic parody, contains major OOC, and was not written as a high-quality fic. Read at your peril!

  • Beyond Death

    Crash landing on Earth was not something Thanos had planned. Meeting a local female wasn't either. Moving in with her temporarily was only so that he could regain his strength without being found out by the Avengers. But neither are prepared for the events ahead, as both their lives will change. Avengers will make appearances, no graphic smut. Thanos/OC fic.

  • The Final Confrontation

    This is it. The final battle, the climax of everything up until now! Optimus Prime vs Megatron, no hold-barred! The largest confrontation they've had! Whoever wins this, wins everything! Who will come out on top? Prime-verse.

  • Shaggy's Halloween Spectacular!

    Shaggy and the gang stay at a haunted hotel for Halloween, and Shaggy isn't happy about it one bit, especially after strange things start happening! What is this black liquid? Can Shaggy survive the night? Zoinks!

  • Mistakes Happen!

    Or how a young Peter Quill ended up destroying an entire evil alien race all by himself. Somehow. Kind've accidentally.

  • Stumbling on the Road to Ninja

    Being a teenage ninja with a literal demon inside you who is feared and hated by your whole village isn't easy, but someone has to do it! Now that the manga is over, follow the misadventures of Naruto Uzumaki as he learns what it truly means to be a ninja in the first ever, (intending to be) fully complete Naruto parody that covers the entire manga!

  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsters Between Duels (What They Do and Say)

    As the title suggests, little vignettes about what the Yu-Gi-Oh! monsters do between duels. Who they hang out with, what they like doing. Do they get bored, or are they relieved? My first Yu-Gi-Oh! fic. Features creatures from all Yu-Gi-Oh! anime/manga (classic, GX, 5D's, Zexal, R, etc) You can leave suggestions, but no promises that I'll do them!

  • 2001: A Space Blunder

    Comical hijinks abound as various people try to accomplish things in space, only very, very slowly, and sometimes with seemingly no purpose! 2001 has never been weirder! Parody of original film, crack, 4th wall breaking, and OOC. What more could you want? And yeah, HAL appears.

  • Loki Tries to Kill Captain America!

    Isn't the title self-descriptive? Loki wants to kill Captain America to prove himself to Thanos. But it may be difficult... Somehow, things always get in the way... Crack-fic. I like Loki, but I will poke some fun at him and everyone else! Christmas chapter up!

  • Christmas Crush

    The Christmas season gives Tai the courage to finally confess his feelings to long-time friend Sora. With the Crest of Courage on his side, there's no way this can go wrong, right?

  • Starscream's Christmas Plan!

    Starscream has once again been humiliated by Megatron, and on Christmas no less! But Starscream isn't one to simply lie down, and he vows to cause his leader some form of embarrassment! And luckily, Christmas itself will help him with his fiendish plan! TFA

  • Christmas With the Rune Gods

    It's Christmas in Tokyo, and the Magic Knights are getting ready to celebrate! Hikaru wants to spend the holiday with the Rune Gods, who despite being over a million years old, have probably never celebrated. Pure fluffiness, will give cavities, maybe.

  • Farfetch'd for Thanksgiving

    Ash and his companions are celebrating their first Thanksgiving! Instead of turkey, the gang wants to try the rare delicacy Farfetch'd! Forget decency and morality, they need to feast! But can they catch the wily bird?

  • Arthur and the Gang vs The Zombies!

    Arthur and his friends (?) must face down evil zombies...even if the zombies are there fault! Takes place after all my Arthur one-shots, read those first! Contains crack!

  • A Crisis (That Must Be Handled)

    The Avengers have yet another crisis to deal with. One that may be worse than a bunch of Chitauri! Why are dead villains back? Who are these aliens? Can the Avengers stop them? Will Loki help? Featuring Guest-stars and robots!

  • A Day in the Life of a God

    When you're the God of Destruction, your every day life tends to involve blowing stuff up, only sometimes for a good reason. Takes place before Battle of Gods.

  • The Purple Creature

    The lazy Nova Corps give the Guardians an easy mission: track down a purple creature. Its an easy mission, but will the Guardians be able to do it? And can they do it without getting guilt-tripped? Semi-crack, not to be taken too seriously.

  • Buster Returns! (Zombie)

    Binky and Buster may finally be buddies again, but for how long? And is Buster finally back? CRACK-FIC, related to all my previous Arthur fics, advised to read those first.

  • Hannah Montana's Stupid Career Ends!

    Hannah Montana is washed up! Can she survive, or is her career dead! CRACK-FIC FROM A HATER. If you like show, don't read.

  • Brain Gets Dumb (Lower IQ)

    Brain messes up, and ends up becoming less smart! How will he survive against Binky now? And what horrors will he unleash? ONE-SHOT! CRACK-FIC! OOC!