
  • The Story of Misunderstanding Eyes

    In which Shintaro mistakes Kano to be Ayano's boyfriend, and the misunderstanding causes him to never even say goodbye to her. ShinAya.

  • Reversal

    Wouldn't it be interesting if it was Hiyori who shot Kuroha instead?

  • Happiness Within A Steel Jail Cell

    When you aim for the top, what will you find? Hey, it's pretty lonely being the one in command, you know. Tsuna learns this the hard way - via genocide and bloodshed, and surprisingly Giotto just smiles and takes it in his stride. Dark, drabble, oneshot.

  • Daijobu

    It's alright, Kano. You don't have to deceive anymore.

  • Heibon Days

    Azami plus Hiyori plus train.

  • Noblesse Oblige of the Queen

    Marry decides to give up trying to save her friends... but that doesn't mean she's going to do what Kuroha wants. No, she was the queen after all. If she was going down, she was taking him with her! Ficlet thing. Not KuroMarry. A tiny bit of MarryHibi if you squint. Bit of language.

  • Predator

    Shintaro has a hobby: tricking girls into meeting him, and then killing them. And it's all because of his dear, precious Ayano... XX Shintaro, warnings of gore and stuff. Ficlet thing.

  • Meaningless Grin of the Pierrot

    A-ya invites C-ta to play Hitori Kakurenbo with him - with dire consequences for both of them. Gore, some hinted one-sided relationship and character death. Everyone dies. Ficlet thing.

  • pierROT

    B-ko really, really dislikes having other people's scents cling to her. Actually, she just dislikes people in general. OC death.

  • Perspective

    All the things A-ya has ever wanted to say to C-ta... he says it to his rabbit instead. Dark. Drabble.